Welcome to the Fallsburg Jr/Sr High School Library!
What are you looking for?
- Online database resources
- Ebooks and Digital Audiobooks
- Library Catalogs and links
- Explore the World! Information to grow on.
- Homework Help
Our goal is to provide open access to current, accurate and well reviewed information for the personal and academic needs of our students. The library contains over 13,000 books, including ebooks, and we subscribe to over forty magazines. We have a growing A/V collection in the form of audiobooks on cassette, cd, Playaway and digital download. We also have many documentaries and book adaptations on videocassette and DVD. In addition to the print and A/V collections, we also subscribe to several online databases. We are also active participants in Interlibrary Loaning, so please see the librarian if there is something you need that the library does not currently have.
In addition, information literacy is a prime concern and the librarian works diligently to provide top quality instruction to students and collaborates with teachers to ensure that research projects are sufficiently rigorous, relevant, and challenging. We all want our students to leave here with the skills needed to succeed in life. The ability to authentically research information and present one's thoughts articulately and appropriately, in both spoken and written forms, are key components to the 21st Century Skills that will be expected by employers and institutions of higher learning. Don't get left behind!
Here are some resources to look at for more information about standards, curriculum and skills for the 21st Century...
AASL Standards for the 21st Century Learner
Bloom's Taxonomy, from Vanderbilt University's Center for Teaching.
The Empire State Information Fluency Continuum
Information to Knowledge Journey, the Sullivan BOCES SLS Inquiry Curriculum.
ISTE Standards, from the International Society for Technology in Education.
New York State Education Department
P21, Partnership for 21st Century Skills
Common Core article bibliography from School Library Journal
Resources from Paige Jaeger:
Repackaging Research for the Common Core
WISE Inquiry Model, Teacher's Guide
Resources from Mary Ratzer:
Assessment for Learning LiveBinder
Librarian: Ms. Livia Sabourin
The School Librarian, Ms. Livia Sabourin, has been at Fallsburg Jr/Sr High School since September of 1998. She has a B.A. in Political Science from Siena College and a Master's of Library Science from the University at Albany. She is a Past president of the School Library Media Specialists of Southeastern New York (SLMSSENY) the regional professional organization for School Librarians. She is a past vice president for Conferences for the Section of School Librarians of the New York Library Association (NYLA/SSL) the state level professional organization, and she also served on the 3 Apples Book Award Committee as a representative from NYLA/SSL. She is a member of the national professional organization, the American Library Association and the American Association of School Librarians (ALA/AASL). She is also a member of the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) and the Association for Library Services to Children (ALSC) which are also part of the ALA.