Outstanding Oak

This is where you can find out all about what Oak class have been learning about.

January 2020

On Wednesday the 29th of January the whole school experienced a Chinese New Year Smart day. We had a wonderful dance workshop where we learnt a traditional Chinese dance with umbrellas, fans and of course a dragon!!!


Tuesday the 15th of October 2019

Today our friend Dave visited FHIS. He brought with him Fizz, our school mascot. He also brought with him some wonderful creatures that are natures composters. We have been learning all about how to make compost and how worms are one of natures composters, but today we met some more. We met hissing cockroaches, meal-worms, worms, giant snails, woodlice and an amazing vulcher!

Monday the 14th of October 2019

This week we celebrated Global Handwashing Day on Monday the 14th of October. We conducted an experiment to see how quickly and how far germs can be spread. We designed and made our own germ characters and read a story called Oliver Odd Socks!

Superworm Week!

Week beginning Monday the 23rd September 2019

This week we are celebrating all things wormy! We have been learning about materials and waste. We have also learned about how materials decompose and know the scientific word for this is biodegrade.

So this week we are learning all about natures decomposers, worms! We started the week with a wonderful workshop all about the story Superworm. We were all Superhero minibeasts and have to rescue many animals from DISASTERS!! (Even me and Mrs B got involved!)

We have then learned all about the anatomy of worms, created a worm dance, written a diary entry in the role of Superworm and made our very own wormery!

International Day of Peace 2019

Today we celebrated International Day of Peace. We came together as a school to make a giant peace sign on the playground, created peace themed poems and made a a large piece sign out of natural materials.

Week Beginning the 16th of September 2019

This week we started our Literacy unit of work, which this term is Recount. We started by looking at a familiar story, that we all knew and loved. Oak class went on their very own bear hunt and experienced a snow storm, walked through swishy, swashy grass and even got wet as we crossed the river. All before we found the bear hiding in WOWA!

Story Corner

This term our Story Corner has been changed into Oak's Recycling Centre. Check out some of the pictures below of the children busy working sorting the materials and recycling and reusing them into brand new things, they then sell in the emporium!

Week Beginning the 9th September 2019

We have been busy getting to know our new Year 1's this week and have been doing lots of outdoor learning and messy maths, outdoors!

Daventry Country Park Trip

On Friday the 12th of July the whole school went for a day trip to the Daventry Country Park. We played Sunshine Circles, read the story of the Stick Man and made our very own Stick Men and played on the new play equipment. We had a wonderful day and the sun shone all day! A massive thank you to all our helpers for this trip.

Heritage Bus Visit

On Thursday the 4th July we had an exciting morning- a 1950's big, red, double decker bus arrived at school for the children to have a trip on. It was all part of our learning adventure about Transport. We learnt about the tickets and how the bus conductors stamped the passengers tickets, we event got our very own FHIS bus tickets!

We then got to have a ride on the old, vintage 1950's big, red bus! It was amazing- some of the children felt like they were on a roller coaster as we were sat on the top deck!


Olympic Sports Day

On Tuesday the 2nd of July FHIS had their annual Mini Olympics. Oak class were representing Egypt and we had lots of fun. We even won a medal for the relay race!

World Environment Day 2019

On Wednesday the 5th of June the children at FHIS celebrated World Environmental Day. Oak class spent the entire day outdoors and enjoyed some wonderful lessons, from den building, to gardening, classifying plants and trees to outdoor yoga! We all had a wonderful day and the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

Week Beginning 20th May 2019

Today we had a visit from an electric car. The children got to sit inside the car, look at the engine and compare it to a car that uses petrol. This was all part of our learning journey on sustainable and unsustainable transport.

Wednesday 3rd April 2019

Fizz had recently been to visit his Grandpa and had been given an old basket of letters. These letters dated back to the Victorian times and had wax seals on them. The children learnt all about how they used candle wax to seal their letters so they would know if anyone had opened their letter before them. Fizz also gave the children quills so they used these to write thank you letters to him and we sealed them with a wax seal.

Tuesday 26th March 2019

Oak's Visit to Holdenby House

Today the children in Oak class dressed up as Victorian boys and girls and spent the day working at Holdenby House. We were all given roles within the house; some of us were cooks, kitchen maids, chamber maids and butlers. We spent the day working as Victorian servants would have done, during the Victorian era.

We worked within the kitchen, preparing foods, cleaning the oven and washing the clothes. We then went to the chamber and the girls had to make the beds, empty the chamber pot and dust the bedroom whilst the boys polished the leather tack for the horses.

We also got to have a very special tour of the house and learnt all about the servants quarters where we would have eaten our meals and spent a lot of our time and the stunning rooms of the house.

Wednesday 13th March 2019

Today Oak class visited the Daventry Museum to explore their Victorian exhibition. We got to experience lots of different props and items from the Victorian era, dressed up as Victorian boys and girls and learnt lots about what life was like in the Victorian times.

Tuesday 5th March 2019 aka PANCAKE DAY!

Today the children learnt all about Pancake day and its links to the start of the Christian festival of Lent. We also made mini pancakes on baked bean tins! We made holes in the tin so oxygen could get in and used a small tea light candle for the heat source. We discussed changing materials and how the batter went from a liquid to a solid, once cooked. The best bit was eating them at the end of the lesson!! Yummy!

Friday 8th February 2019 E-Safety Day

Today we marked our annual E-Safety day by spending the whole day reminding ourselves how to stay safe when using the internet or gaming online. We had a superb workshop from One Day Creative who taught us that people online may not always be who they say they are and linked this back to Traditional Tales such as The Three Little Pigs. We made E-Safety posters to remind others how to stay safe online and have put these up around our classrooms and laptop/IPad trolley.

Week Beginning 4th February 2019

Today we culminated our 'Post Week' of learning from last week in a special walk to visit lots of local Postboxes. We also posted our letters to our learning partners that we wrote in last weeks Literacy lesson.

We counted 4 postboxes on our Postbox Walk and the children got very excited when they spotted a postbox with a 'GR' on it! We even had a selfie with a real life 'Postal Worker!'

January 2019

Remember your Postbox Selfie's, in preperation for next weeks ''Post Smart Week''. Email them to me so we can make a display of them. If you know anyone living abroad or away on holiday, try and get them to take a Postbox Selfie in the country they are in, too!

December 2018

Oak had a wonderful Christmas Concert and performed a scene from the Kings part of the Nativity story. Take a look at us in our wonderful costumes!

Tuesday 20th November 2018

Today in Computing we had a lesson on using the laptops. We learned about some of the keys on the laptop and what they do, we also learnt how to word process using a programme called Word Pad. We then had a lesson on Internet Safety and how to stay safe when online. We had a great Computing lesson and learnt lots!

Monday 19th November 2018

Today our friend Joy came into school to visit us and tell us all about our sponsor child, Jackie, who lives in Uganda. Jackie had kindly given us a beautiful gift too, for Christmas.

We are selling some beautiful Feel Brave books in order to raise money for a boy called Gerald who sadly has lost his leg. You ca buy these books from the school office, they are £7 each.

Thursday 8th November 2018

Today Oak walked into town to visit Daventry Museum and Memorial. We took part in The Empty Chair Project and were excited to see the chair that we designed in the museum. We also took the poppy wreath that we had made and put it on the Memorial, ready for Sundays service.

Grandpa’s Coat (1).pptx

On our Bonfire Day we shared a story called Grandpa's Coat- which you can read below.

Poor Grandpa Joe's coat and shopping bag was put onto the bonfire and the children had to predict what items would burn and which would not.

Have a look at what was left of Grandpa Joe's belongings after the bonfire had been safely put out.

Monday 5th November 2018

Remember, remember the fifth of November,

Gunpowder treason and plot.

We see no reason

Why gunpowder treason

Should ever be forgot!

Today Oak class have spent a whole day learning about Bonfire Night and Guy Fawkes. We began the day by watching a short film all about Guy Fawkes and The Gunpowder Plot.

We then created a large Guy for our FHIS Bonfire and made our very own Guys out of newspaper.

We then went outside and placed our Guys onto the bonfire. Then Mr Carmichael safely, lit the bonfire as we watched from a safe distance. It was amazing! We even got to enjoy a toasted marshmallow!!

This week we have celebrated Harvest with our FHIS Harvest Festival. Oak class performed the Harvest Hoedown- yee ha!!!

Week beginning the 15th October 2018

This week we have been outdoors looking at seasonal changes and using colour shades to match to the colours we see in Autumn.

We have also been teaching the children how to play Conkers!

Week Beginning 8th October 2018

This week we have been making pictures out of natural materials. Take a look at some of our wonderful artwork!

Week Beginning 1st October 2018

Oh no! Disrespectful Dora is back! She came back to visit Oak class again this week and left our zone on the playground in a right mess! She put toilet paper in the trees, messed up the writing shed and threw the calm corner cushions and books around. Mysterious footprints and a cryptic sign were also found. The children worked together in Unity to tidy our area in preparation for the drone to visit, later this week.

Week Beginning 24th September 2018

This week we had a disrespectful visitor who came to our school grounds and left us a series of clues for us to solve.

We then came back into the classroom and found a mysterious letter to Oak class from Disrespectful Dora who was responsible for all the rubbish and clues left outside.

We used Role on the Wall to gather all our wonderful ideas about what Disrespectful Dora looked like.

This week we have been outside in the school grounds looking at the seasonal changes that are taking place.