
Bylaws of the Fairview Park Music & Theatre Association (FPMTA)

Article I: Formation of Association

Section 1: Intent and Name. The intent of these bylaws is to form an Association. The name of this Association shall be the Fairview Park Music & Theatre Association (FPMTA). Future mentions in these bylaws as “Association”

Article II: purpose and ASSOCIATION

Section 2: Purpose. Fairview Park Music & Theatre Association is a group of volunteer parents and legal guardians who help support the bands and drill team, choirs, orchestras, drama club, (known in the community as Stagecrafters), and music classes in the Fairview Park City School District in Fairview Park, Ohio. This group is organized exclusively for the charitable and educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or corresponding sections of any future tax code.

Section 3: Non-Discrimination.

A) This Association will not exclude qualified individuals from participating in or receiving the benefits of its services, programs or activities on the basis of an individual’s disability. The Association is committed to providing services and activities in a manner that affords individuals with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate, including the commitment to make reasonable modifications that may be necessary to enable an individual with a disability to participate in services, programs or activities where that modification will not fundamentally alter the nature of those services, programs or activities. The Association will not place a surcharge on individuals with disabilities to cover the cost of any reasonable modifications. Should any individual have a concern regarding the Association's implementation of this non-discrimination policy, it may contact the Fairview Park City School District’s 504 Compliance Officer, the Director of Pupil Services, at 440-331-5500 ext 1124.

B) This Association shall not exclude qualified individuals from participation in, deny them the benefits of, or otherwise discriminate on the basis of race, age, religion, color, gender, national origin, marital status, disability, gender identity, or sexual orientation in its services, programs, or activities.

Section 4: Use of Earnings. No part of the net earnings of the Association shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to, its members, officers or other private persons, except that the Association shall be authorized and empowered to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes and activities set forth in these Bylaws and to reimburse actual expenses incurred by the members in furtherance of the purposes described in Section 501(c)(3). No substantial part of the activities of the Association shall be the carrying on of propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation and the Association shall not participate in, or intervene in, any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these Bylaws, the Association shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on by an Association exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Article III: membership

Section 1: General Eligibility. Membership in this Association shall be open to any individual or Association interested in sustaining and promoting music and theatre programs in the Fairview Park City School District.

Section 2: Voting Rights. The right to vote at meetings shall be open to any parent or legal guardian of students participating in any of the Fairview Park City School District’s bands, choirs, orchestras or drama club, and music classes.

Section 3: Directors. The Directors of the Fairview Park City Schools’ bands and drill team, drama club, choirs, and orchestras and the Instructors of music classes in the Fairview Park City Schools (hereinafter “Directors”) shall be ex officio, non-voting members.

Article IV: officers

Section 1: Identification. The officers of the Association shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Along with five (5) delegates. One delegate from band, orchestra, choir, drama club, and music classes.

Section 2: Number of Officers. In order to meet the needs of the Association and accommodate changes in resources, co-officers may be elected in order to divide the duties of that office among more than one individual.

Section 3: Duties. The Duties of each office shall be as follows:

A) The President shall:

I. Preside over of all meetings of the Association;

II. Generally, supervise the activities of the officers and other members in the furtherance of the Association’s mission;

III. Serve as ex-officio member of all committees.

IV. Ensure coordination between the Association’s activities and the music programs’ needs.

B) The Vice President shall:

I. Serve as aide to the President;

II. Perform the duties of President in the President’s absence or inability to serve;

III. Oversee donors and sponsorship activities and fundraising;

IV. Perform duties as delegated by the President in furtherance of the Association’s mission.

C) The Secretary shall:

I. Keep an accurate record of the minutes of all meetings of the Association;

II. Perform all correspondence duties for the Association;

III. Provide paper ballots for election voting;

IV. Submit approved bylaws annually to the Fairview Park City school board;

V. Perform duties as delegated by the President in furtherance of the Association’s mission.

D) The Treasurer shall:

I. Establish and maintain deposit accounts for the Association;

II. Collect, deposit, and disburse all funds of the Association;

III. Maintain complete and accurate records of all the assets, revenues and expenditures of the Association;

IV. Provide a financial statement at each meeting;

V. Submit taxes and prepare books for end of year review;

VI. Secure bonding for executive board annually.

VII. Reapply as regulated by the state of Ohio Attorney General;

VIII. Submit approved budget annually to the Fairview Park City school board;

IX. Perform duties as delegated by the President in furtherance of the Association’s mission.

E) Delegates shall:

I. Not be currently serving as an officer;

II. May be nominated by the directors;

III. Act as a liaison for the Directors to communicate needs to their members and students;

IV. Make sure the needs of their group are being met;

V. Perform duties as delegated by the President in furtherance of the Association’s mission.

Section 4: Eligibility. Any member who has the right to vote at meetings shall be eligible to serve as an officer.

Section 5: Term. The term of office is one (1) fiscal year. No person can serve more than two (2) years consecutively in the same position unless otherwise approved by membership vote.

Article V: Elections

Section 1: Nomination Sollicitation. Volunteers and nominations for each office for the following fiscal year shall be solicited via email and or social media at least two (2) weeks before the elections. Emails shall be sent to the most current email address on file with the Association for each member eligible to vote.

Section 2: Nomination Period. Volunteers and nominations shall be accepted until voting has begun for a particular office, unless otherwise stated in the solicitation sent out under Section 1 of this Article.

Section 3: Election Meeting. Elections for the following fiscal year shall be held at an Association meeting held in April or May. Notice of the time, date, and location of the election meeting shall be published to the members via email and or social media at least seven (7) days before the meeting. Email notification shall be given to the most current email address on file with the Association for each member eligible to vote.

Section 4: Majority Vote. Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of members who are eligible to vote and present at the election.

Section 5: Voting Method. Elections for uncontested offices may be held by voice vote. If there are two or more nominees for an office, voting shall be by paper ballot.

Article Vi: meetings

Section 1: Association Meetings. Meetings of the Association shall be held approximately each month, on a schedule established by the Officers and published in the newsletters, emails, social media or any other communication distributed generally to the members.

Section 2: Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called by Officers or committee chairs as necessary to accomplish the Association’s mission.

Section 3: Director Participation. The Directors shall be invited to all meetings of the association. The Directors may also be invited to special meetings. Time shall be allocated at all meetings of the members to allow the Directors to provide updates on the music & theatre programs and discuss ways in which the Association can assist them, the programs, and the students.

Section 4: Quorum. At all regular and special meetings of the Association and its committees, those voting members present shall constitute a quorum for conducting business.

Section 5: Motions. A simple majority of the voting members present shall be sufficient to carry a motion. In special circumstances, a vote via electronic communication shall be acceptable.

Article Vii: committees and appointed positions

Section 1: Committees. The Officers may create such standing and special committees as it may deem necessary to carry on the work of the Association. The President shall appoint the chairman of each committee.

Section 2: Appointed Positions. The Officers may create such appointed positions as it may deem necessary to carry on the work of the Association. The President shall appoint a voting member to fill each appointed position.

Article VIII: Finances

Section 1: Fiscal Year. The fiscal year for this Association shall be July 1 through June 30.

Section 2: Documentation. Proper support for all expenditures and reimbursement requests shall be submitted to the Treasurer in a timely manner.

Article IX: scholarships

Section 1: Senior Scholarship. Each spring, the Association shall provide up to three (3) scholarships to a deserving graduating Seniors who participated in high school band, choir, orchestra or drama club, and will be majoring or minoring in music, music therapy, theatre arts or music education at an accredited college or university the following fall.

A) The amount of each scholarship shall be no more than $500.

B) The scholarship shall be nonrenewable.

C) Application forms and rules for submission shall be made available on the Association’s website and in the guidance office.

D) It shall be the applicant’s responsibility to indicate clearly on the application his or her intent to major or minor in music, music therapy, theatre arts or music education and to follow all other rules of submission.

E) Scholarship decisions shall be made by the executive board of the Association and the Directors.

F) All decisions shall be final.

G) The Music Association, by a vote of a majority of members present, may decide to suspend the provision of a scholarship during any given school year on the ground that the Association’s finances are inadequate to fund such scholarship.

Section 2: Music/Theatre Camp Scholarships. Each spring, the Association shall provide scholarships to deserving students who will be participating in a qualifying music or theatre camp the following summer. The amount of each scholarship shall be up to the price of the camp, but not to exceed $100.

A) Only one scholarship shall be available to each student each spring.

B) The number of camp scholarships distributed each year shall total no more than fifteen (15) based on an evaluation of the Association’s finances.

C) Scholarships are non-renewable and shall be paid directly to the summer camp.

D) Application forms and rules for submission shall be made available on the Association’s website.

E) It shall be the applicant’s responsibility to follow all rules of submission.

F) Scholarship decisions shall be made by the executive board of the Association and the Directors.

G) All decisions shall be final.


Section 1: Asset Distribution. Upon the dissolution of this Association, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed evenly amongst each director(s) of general music, band, drama club, choir, and orchestra of the Fairview Park City Schools.

Article XI: Amendments

Section 1: Proposed Amendments. These Bylaws may be amended at any time, provided that the proposed amendment must be presented in writing at an Association meeting and approved at the following Association meeting.

Section 2: Vote. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of voting members present shall be required to approve a proposed amendment.

Section 3: Effective Date. All amendments shall be effective immediately unless otherwise specified.

Section 4: Annual Review. These Bylaws shall be reviewed every year.

Article XiI: parliamentary authority

Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised, shall be the authority for this Association in all cases not covered by these Bylaws.

Article XiIi: Effective date

These Bylaws shall be effective beginning on the date of adoption.