Mystery Reader Sign Up
Please email Mrs. Bastian ( to receive available dates and times. Spring dates will be added in January. Please sign up for only one date.
Mystery Readers
Tips & Hints
Check in at the main office 5-10 minutes before your scheduled time (please bring a driver's license or state id card).
Come to the library located near the front office.
Please bring in one of your child's favorite books or one can be provided through the library.
Check out through the main office.
How to pick a book
Choose a book you like, your enthusiasm for the story will be apparent.
Timing: choose a book that is around 15 minutes. Kindergartners and younger children have a lower attention span so two short books might be more appropriate.
Reach beyond their comfort zone: exposing new and complex characters and themes to children through literature expands their knowledge base and provokes interesting discussions.
Consult award winning lists: Caldecott Medal, (Theador Seuss) Geisel Award, Robert F. Sibert Information Book Medal
Read Aloud Strategies
Before Reading
Activate prior knowledge: ask questions about what is known about the topics and themes that will be in the book.
Vocabulary: explain the meaning of some of the difficult words that will be in the book.
Predictions: ask the kids to make predictions about the book based on the title and the front illustrations.
During Reading
Practice fluency: read the book ahead of time to make sure that inflections are used correctly and difficult words are pronounced accurately.
After Reading
Ask questions to prompt meaningful discussions.
Check for comprehension by asking a student to retell the story, identify the setting, characters, problem and resolution.
Ask the readers to make personal connections tot he characters and the problem.
Ask the readers to think about changes they would have made to improve the story.
Benefits of Reading Aloud
Improves comprehension and vocabulary
Increases fluency
Builds motivation and excitement for reading
Exposes children to a variety of writing styles and genres
Builds and encourages good reading habits
It's Fun!