Creating Your Brochure

Scroll down to follow the tips and directions for creating and sharing your brochure.

Images: You can use Explore or insert right in Slides OR use one of these sites below.

Copyright Friendly Images

Photos for Class


  • Copy the Template

  • Rename and move it to your SS folder

  • As you enter information into the brochure template, follow the directions and tips. As you work, make sure you delete the directions.

  • BE CREATIVE! Explore text boxes and creative ways to use photos and images. Text boxes with different color backgrounds can enhance your product. Several images(overlapped/used as a border/etc.) can enhance your brochure. The entire brochure should NOT be a different color. Just some text boxes for variety.

  • Remember, your final product should only be 2 pages! If anything extends to an additional page then resize the text, images, or text boxes.

Completing and Proofreading your Brochure

  • Images: Use the Explore button or Insert to find copyright friendly pictures in Google. Use the sites found above if you need more images.

  • Check each panel of your brochure. Is everything included? What creative touches did you add?

  • Check your spelling/capitalization.

  • Did you delete/change all tips and directions?

  • Make sure you included your name and period on the front cover of the brochure.

  • Your brochure should only be 2 pages. If there is a 3rd page then resize/re-arrange text and images.

  • Delete the table borders by right clicking each table(page). Select "Table Properties". Change the pt count to zero. You must do this for each page!

  • Share your completed brochure in the assigned place(see below).


  • Select Print

  • Sign into Paper Cut with your username and password

  • Find the printer in the Destination dropdown (may need to click “more”)

  • Click "More settings"

  • Select "Print on both sides"

  • Select "flip on short edge" from the dropdown menu

  • Click “Print”

You may be prompted to sign into Paper Cut again. Sign in and print your document.