Create and Share

You will be presenting information about your topic to your classmates.

There are several options of styles/formats available to you.

Slide Deck ( Google slides/Powerpoint/Piktochart/etc.): Your slides should enhance your presentation.

Poster or Model: You can create a physical poster or model that represents your topic.

Digital Poster or Infographic ( Piktochart/Sway/etc.): There will be some text, but should be very visual, and you should be explaining the topic in your own words, not reading off the screen.

Informational Video or PSA (WeVideo): Write a script using our Storyboard Template, then record your video using WeVideo. This could be a combination of images, diagrams, and live video.

Copyright Compliant Images

Use these sites to find images to use in your report. Save the image to your Google Drive, then upload/insert into your program.

Photos for Class


Need more images? You may go to Google Images. Images found in Google Images must be cited with a caption.