Image Lesson

All images are owned!

But some owners allow you to use their work.

How do you know which images you are allowed to use?

Video 1 from the lesson - 4 mins

copyright and online images.mp4

Video 2 and 3: Adding Images into Docs and Slides - from the Slide Lesson - 2 mins each

Image: Insert into Docs.mp4
Images: In Google Slides.mp4

Great Websites to find Images Online

  1. Free Images (free images, no citing)

  2. Pixabay (free images, no citing)

  3. Pexels (free images, no citing)

  4. MorgueFile (free images, no citing)

  5. Unsplash (free images, no citing)

  6. Creative Commons Search Page (aggregates many, many websites with creative commons images - be sure to cite correctly)

  7. Wikimedia Commons (has many public domain images as well. Has a huge amount of historical images. Be sure to cite correctly)

  8. USA Gov (just add the link to cite)

Citing Images in Middle School

No Need to Cite the Image:

  • If you took the photos yourself

  • If you got the image from a free image website

  • If you used the Explore Button in Google Apps (or Insert, Images, From Web)

  • If you got it from a .gov website like NASA.

Must Cite the Image:

If you got it somewhere else online AND it has a Creative Commons license

Usually adding the link to the image where you found it, is OK in middle school. Save the more formal citation for high school and college.