Google Classroom Tips

Google Classroom Tour.mp4

Not familiar with Google Classroom?  Take a tour and get to know how to join a class, the purpose of Stream and Classwork, where to find your assignments and more!

There are a few different types of assignments on Google Classroom.  This video will familiarize you with all of them so you know how to complete assignments your teacher shares with you.

Google Classroom Types of Assignments.mp4
Google Classroom Asking Questions.mp4

There may be times that you have questions for your teacher.   This video shows you the different ways you can ask questions and how to ask a question the whole class will see versus how to ask a question that only your teacher will see.

After your teacher grades an assignment, they will return it to you.  You will be able to see the score you earned as well as any feedback the teacher has for you.  This video will show you where to find teacher comments  directly on your work or in a private comment on the side.

Google Classroom Teacher Feedback.mp4