Winter Break 2020

Dear Burr Families,

It's been quite a 2020. While I think we would all agree that it's time to close the book on this year, there was plenty of good that happened that I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge. Here are five things:

1) The flexibility and adaptability of students - You would be immensely proud and impressed with your children as they navigate learning at school. Engagement and independence in Google Classroom notwithstanding, students are reading books, composing a lot of written work, and working in math partnerships during their in school cohort time. They are doing this with enthusiasm, a positive attitude, and a lot of patience. I think we have been wearing masks and social distancing for so long that it almost seems normal -which it isn't. Watching your children learn at school right now reminds me that kids are adventurous, strong, and open to new things.

2) The flexibility and adaptability of teachers - Teachers have had to reinvent how they teach, and Burr's teachers have pursued this paradigm shift with grit and drive. Their attitude is - "Let's figure this out", and it shows in the assignments they are creating, the way they are using video to meet with students (sometimes at school and home simultaneously), and how they maximize the curriculum - all within the limited window of time they spend with students. They are an incredibly hard working group who have had to learn and relearn what close contact and personalized teaching looks like in a socially distanced world.

3) Small and simple pleasures - When things get taken away from us - the ability to travel, go to a movie, interact with crowds of people, even get out of the house - we learn to appreciate the smaller things in life and how those things enrich us and teach us gratitude for what we do have. So, what little things made you take notice this year - more so than ever before? Your child's giggle , family dinners together, being sprawled out on the couch reading a good book? Maybe you learned to slow down the pace of your life. Maybe you played more with your children. Maybe you gained some perspective and learned not to stress about things you either couldn't control or (in the scheme of life) don't matter all that much. When life eventually returns to "normal", don't lose what you learned about what really matters.

4) Giving to others - There was a lot of generosity - both at Burr, within Fairfield, and across our country. There are a lot of people who are hurting across our nation, and, the last nine months have been an important reminder that for every person out there who is struggling - to pay bills, to feed their family, to maintain their health, to keep a positive attitude - there is another person willing to give of themselves and to lend a helping hand. At Burr, our community raised an incredible amount of money for Cesar Batalla. We also had a number of families step up to help members of our community who need help buying gifts for their children for the holidays or putting food on their table. It's a great time to teach gratitude to your children and get them engaged in community outreach projects that could include donating a portion of their allowance to a charity, writing letters or making cards for nursing home occupants, or doing chores at home or in your neighborhood to brighten someone's day.

5) Living history - Like the Great Depression and World War II, you and your children are living through one of the most notable historical events in our nation's history. Someday you and your children will be asked what it was like to live during Covid19. It's that monumental a moment in the tapestry of our country, so I would recommend that you soak up the details. From the mundane (Where are we going to find toilet paper?) to the tragic (the stories of people who have suffered) to the triumphant (Distributing a vaccine), let the details imprint themselves in your memory. Maybe it's a written scrapbook or the photos you are taking or the cards that friends and loved ones send you. Maybe it's in the things that will never be the same again. However this time affects you and your family, don't forget.

I am so fortunate and lucky to be working at Burr, to be working in Fairfield, and to have the life I have. There's a line in the play Hamilton - "Look around. Look around, at how lucky we are to be alive right now." The Burr staff and I wish you a happy holiday season, a terrific new year, and the perspective and wisdom to look around and embrace what's coming in 2021.

Be well.


One Book, One School

Normally, we initiate a big reveal for our One Book, One School program right before we begin. It's a fun way to build excitement among our students, families, and staff and get them ready to read the book together. Like most things this year, however, we are going to do things a little differently. Since, we could find ourselves in full remote at any time, we wanted to get each student/family the text before winter break. Our whole school read of the book doesn't commence until mid January, but you are welcome to begin reading it early if you want.

Drum roll please....Burr's One Book, One School choice for 2020-2021 is The Year of the Dog by Grace Lin. It's the story of a year in the life of a young girl and the journey she takes to find her special talent, deal with new friendships, and ultimately find herself. It's a celebration of growing up, culture, and the importance of family. Here is a link to more information about the book: The Year of the Dog .

We have some special things planned including a virtual meet with the author in mid February. If you want to get a head start reading it with your child, go for it. If you want to wait and savor the story along with the rest of the school, we will be beginning in mid January. More information to follow after the break.

Upcoming Dates

Wednesday, December 23rd - Virtual learning day, early dismissal, teachers will post their learning schedule

Thursday, December 24- Sunday, January 3 - Winter Break

Tuesday, January 19th - New schedule begins

Have a great vacation!