Fairfield Summer
Learning Resources

Summer Learning

Just because you aren't in school doesn't mean your learning has to stop! There are tons of great things you can do during the summer to keep your learning going strong until the next school year! 

You will find resources for all subject areas here, but truly the most beneficial activity for a student is to READ.  According to Scholastic, children who do read over the summer months tend to gain a month of reading proficiency.  Furthermore, research published by Jimmy Kim in The Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk shows that "Children who read four or more books over the summer do better on reading tests in the fall."  The best news is students should be encouraged to read for fun!  Reading over the summer does not have to be solely academic.  Encourage kids to read books and magazines with topics that they are excited about.

*Please note that this site is a collection of resources for students and families to use to support summer learning.  These links take you to other sites. The maintenance and content of those sites are not under the control of FCSD.  As a reminder, students should use their internet safety and etiquette practices while working online.