a few of my STUDENTS strutting their BITMOJIs!

Welcome and so forth...This is an ONGOING and ever changing collection from multitudes of teachers and resources all given in the best interest of SHARING for the situation we are each faced with. NO PART may be used for any aspect of financial gain or individual right. Many of the creations have been made for each persons actual class and MAY contain locked documents. Feel free to request access from the individual who created the document.

What is bitmoji

your own personal EMOJI...or Avatar

Why has this occurred

when the world went DIGITAL during the global pandemic, we needed a creative way to EXPRESS ourselves more in a digital sense

Who is this for

EVERYONE....this site is intended for teachers first and fore most....to be resources of inspiration or direct use, for emergencies or platform to spring board off of; all are geared toward DIRECT STUDENT USE with proper instruction, direction and engagement as well as their family access for supplement, alternatives and always enrichment

Where is this happening

EVERYWHERE you might need a visual expression since you are not able to use your tone of voice for inflection; use visual cues, or someone else's VOICE

How to use this site

I have sorted/organized the material in my most logical/navigational concepts having worked with K-8 classes for that last 7 years. You may have suggestions/ideas or ERRORS to point out which I gladly welcome, Mentzerc@fairfield.k12.pa.us, please reference DLIABW in the subject line though so I do catch it in the multitude of many many emails through our district. Just as a personal NOTE...the History/Social Studies stuff is being linked last, because unfortunately, that is NOT a common subject for shared material and I have a personal dislike from my student days of being in history classes. I have been collecting and commenting all SUMMER long on 5 different devices, so there MAY be some repeats that I would prefer taking away from the PLETHORA of links included, so let me know.

Sooo.... Let's BEGIN!

Click on the main section that you are interested in exploring. To keep navigation as stream line as possible, each major section has muliple divisions as well since the embedded links take a BIT of time to load. This allows you to find the area you are looking for without needing to wait excessively on less interesting areas to load. They are broken into 8 major topics:

which contains links to BIG TIME Authors and frequently used Book Series and has now also been ENHANCED by adding writing and Phonics

which I think speaks for itself, but I will note, will probably overlap with some other topics, especially MAPS

which contains activities, sites and areas in regard to many science topics, interactions and manipulatives/simulations

which has been arranged a few different times now; so each main section takes you to more of those examples...I did try to sort from Primary skills to more intensity/challenging concepts but with MATH building on itself and such overlap, check out areas close to you to enrich or remediate

which includes items in regard to Social Skills (or counseling), Technology (even though it seems everything is technology at this point), Art, Music, Phys Ed and Library areas

(Maps) to cover those interesting topics

for all the areas of interest as we move through the calendar year with Holidays, Special Occasions, or things of interest in the world of HOT TOPIC AREAS

which is the MOST INCLUSIVE because this is where you get to learn how to create your own BITMOJI WORLD....and FURNISH IT!!

Authors and Book Series-

Do you have an AUTHOR study you would like to do, or maybe a COMPARE and CONTRAST.... or possibly just follow the books of a series...

Hitting the Books Here you will find ALL the many many MANY authors and series that I have found so far, created and put together by teachers from ALL OVER, to enjoy and entertain with read aloud, puzzles, games and other interactive activities for the DIGITAL LEARNING

DIGITAL VIRTUAL FIELD TRIPS-may have overlap with other groups

Maybe you need a little OUTSIDE the HOUSE experience...beyond the front and back yard... Try out one of the DIGITAL FIELD TRIPS designed from teachers for ALL OVER

Subject Specific Explorations-

You might want to focus on a specific topic or subject: science, social studies/history, math, or even ART...check out each section to see what teachers have developed to aid their students when we can not see them FACE TO FACE

Please remember that this is an ACCUMULATION from many many different teachers and people who are trying something new and are willing to share with me and you! It will continue to be added to as more items are developed or highlights found.... if asked for feedback....PLEASE consider providing it since that is the only way items can be improved and skills can get better~

Always Yours in this TECHNOLOGICAL WORLD....Mrs. Mentzer