Other Online Resources

Instructional Resources Binders

 Links to Google Drive Folders

Education.com is a versatile online platform offering a wide array of educational resources. It includes customizable lesson plans, printable materials, and educational games for various subjects and grade levels, along with expert advice and articles to help educators tailor their instruction to meet individual student needs and foster a supportive learning environment.

Free, high-quality and relevant professional learning, lesson plans, resources, and events for California's modern educator. The California Educators Together platform is brought to you by a collaboration between the California Department of Education and the CDE Foundation. Funding generously provided by AT&T Foundation and The David and Lucile Packard Foundation.

Technical design, development, and ongoing support provided by One Learning Community. “We Learn Together”

Targeted Intervention Strategies

Targeted Intervention Strategies (website version)
PBISworld.com is a valuable resource for educators seeking effective Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) strategies. It offers a wide range of free tools, resources, and interventions that can be tailored to meet the unique needs of your students and promote a positive school environment. Whether you're looking for behavior intervention plans, data tracking tools, or classroom management strategies, PBISworld.com is a go-to platform to enhance your classroom practices. 


The Math Learning Center is an excellent educator resource, providing free curriculum materials and interactive tools aligned with Common Core Standards. It offers lesson plans and activities to enhance students' mathematical understanding and fluency, making math instruction engaging and effective.
Mathigon.com is an innovative educational platform that offers a dynamic and interactive approach to mathematics. It provides users with engaging, personalized learning experiences through its vast collection of interactive textbooks, puzzles, and courses. Mathigon.com leverages cutting-edge technology to make math accessible and enjoyable for learners of all levels by incorporating animations, simulations, and AI-driven feedback into its content.

Estimation180 offers a curated collection of real-world estimation challenges, allowing students to develop their mathematical reasoning and number sense. With its engaging and practical approach, Estimation180 fosters critical thinking skills while making math enjoyable for students of all ages.

Math talks using WODB promote active student engagement and stimulate mathematical curiosity by presenting thought-provoking questions and visual prompts. These discussions encourage students to explore multiple perspectives and develop a more holistic understanding of mathematical concepts, enhancing their problem-solving skills and critical thinking abilities. 

Health & Access

Link to application: Internet For AllLink to CEP Evidence Letter: CEP Evidence

Internet For All

We no longer are able to offer wifi hotspots to families, however, all students qualify for discounted internet services because we are a CEP school.All our students will qualify for a thirty-dollar discount on home internet because of our CEP status as a district for free and reduced lunch. There is a thirty-dollar plan at spectrum. Therefore their internet service could be free. In the application process, you must have evidence of us being CEP.