About the Journal

Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology is an international, multidisciplinary and open access scholarly journal. This journal publishes high quality original research articles describing the latest research and developments in all the fields of engineering and technology. Review and survey papers are also considered for publication in the priority areas mainly by invitation. The journal is indexed in Clarivate Web of Science (JCR Impact Factor: 0.6), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), EBSCO, Inspec, Portico, Gale, Ingenta, some other international agencies, and recognized by Higher Education Commission Pakistan (JPI: 8)

Aim and Scope

The journal aims to support academicians, researchers and practitioners with the latest trends and better practices through our published articles in the fields of engineering and technology and serves as a platform for addressing and discussing theoretical and practical knowledge of advancement in but not limited to the following engineering and technology domains: Civil, Agriculture, Food, Irrigation and Water Supply, Environmental, Mechanical, Chemical, Process, Energy, Electrical, Electronics, Computer Systems, Software, Information Technology, Mechatronics, Automotive, Aerospace and Aeronautical, Naval Architecture and Maritime, Telecommunications, Mining, Metallurgy, Petroleum and Gas, Materials, Polymer, Textile, Biotechnology, Biomedical, Industrial, Urban Engineering and Planning; and the applied sciences domain particularly Materials Sciences, Applied Natural Sciences. However, the domains of medical sciences, management sciences, social sciences and the art and design are not covered by this journal. 

Priority Areas

The journal prioritizes the following key areas as the existing and emerging trends.