Short Bio: 

María Guadalupe Martínez Alles is an Assistant Professor of Private Law at IE Law School, IE University and a member of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence for Law and Automation. She works in the areas of tort theory, comparative private law, consumer law and punitive damages. She holds a JD and LLM degrees from Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina) and LLM and JSD degrees from Yale Law School. She is a Visiting Professor at Universidad Adolfo Ibañez and Universidad de Buenos Aires and has held Visiting Professorship positions at Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. She has served as a Professor in the Faculty of Law at Universidad de San Andrés and held visiting research positions at Yale Law School, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, the University of Oxford and the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law. Her forthcoming monograph Torts and Retribution. The Case for Punitive Damages (Cambridge University Press) will be the first book that advances a novel retributive framework enabling the analysis of punitive damages across jurisdictions.

Selected Publications: 

'Understanding Illegal Tort Claims in Spain'. Forthcoming in M. Dyson (ed), Understanding Illegal Tort Claims: Comparative Legal Reasoning in Global Perspective (Hart Publishing) (with Marta Pantaleón Díaz, Diego Sobejano and Carlos Gómez Ligüerre)

‘Reducing Inequality in Consumer Transactions: The Significance of Aggravated Vulnerabilities’. Forthcoming in K. E. Davis and M. Pargendler (eds), Legal Heterodoxy in the Global South: Adapting Private Laws to Local Contexts (Cambridge University Press)

'Situating Tort Law Within a Web of Institutions: Insights for the Age of Artificial Intelligence' (2024) 17(1) Journal of Tort Law 45

‘Punitive Damages in Argentina and Mexico: Rethinking the Scope of the Public Policy Exception’ in L. Meurkens and C.Vanleenhove (eds), The Recognition and Enforcement of Punitive Damages Judgments Across the Globe: Insights from Various Continents (Maastricht Law Series 2023)

'Do Gender Stereotypes in Advertising Impact AI?', Oxford Business Law Blog, February 28, 2023

‘Tort Remedies as Meaningful Responses to Wrongdoing’ in J. Oberdiek and P. Miller (eds), Civil Wrongs and Justice in Private Law (Oxford University Press 2020) 231-251

‘Regulating Gender Stereotypes in Advertising: When Persuasion Reinforces Inequality’ (2019) 5 Latin American Legal Studies 287

‘Punitive Damages: Reorienting the Debate in Civil Law Systems’ (2019) 10(1) Journal of European Tort Law 63

‘Moral Outrage and Betrayal Aversion: The Psychology of Punitive Damages’ (2018) 11(2) Journal of Tort Law 245

Selected Publications (in Spanish):

‘La Dimensión Sancionadora del Derecho de Daños. Los Daños Punitivos’ in D. M. Papayannis (ed), Manual de Derecho de Daños Extracontractuales (Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación de México-Marcial Pons 2022) 601-647

‘Daños Punitivos: Reorientación del Debate en los Sistemas Continentales’ in C. de la Rosa Xochitiotzi (ed), Derecho de Daños: Ideas para Iniciar el Diálogo (Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación de México 2021) 65-97

 ‘La Dimensión Retributiva del Derecho de Daños: La Perspectiva de la Víctima’ in J. A. García Amado and D. M. Papayannis (eds), Dañar, Incumplir y Reparar. Ensayos de Filosofía del Derecho Privado (Palestra 2020) 107-131

‘La Regulación de los Estereotipos de Género en la Publicidad: El Rol de la Persuasión en el Refuerzo de la Desigualdad’(2019) 5 Latin American Legal Studies 133

‘Daños Punitivos: ¿Cómo Sancionar Malas Prácticas Empresariales?’ (2015) La Ley 529-535

‘Desafíos Constitucionales de los Daños Punitivos: Los Problemas del Ne Bis In Idem’ in Rivera/Grosman/Elías/Legarre (eds), Tratado de los Derechos Constitucionales (Abeledo Perrot 2014) 688-731 (with Patricio Nazareno)

‘¿Para Qué Sirven los Daños Punitivos? Modelos de Sanción Privada, Sanción Social y Disuasión Óptima’ (2012) Revista de Responsabilidad Civil y Seguros 55-100


Forthcoming Events

Oct 2024      'Reducing Inequality in Consumer Transactions

Legal Heterodoxy: Contract, Corporate and Tort Law in the Global South, Annual Meeting of the ASCL

Texas A&M University School of Law, Fort Worth, Texas, United States

Oct 2024     'Aggravated Vulnerabilities in the Digital Age'

Workshop Social Justice, Private Law and Europe 

University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Oct 2024       'Rethinking Punitive Damages in Consumer Law'

International Conference on Contract Law

Universidad de Chile, Santiago de Chile, Chile

May 2024 'The Significance of the Private Actor in Torts'

II International Workshop of the Network of Philosophy of Private Law        

Universidad Externado de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia 

May 2024 'Derecho de Daños y Sanción: Repensando los Daños Punitivos'

Las Funciones de la Responsabilidad Civil

Universidad Externado de Colombia & IARCE, Bogotá, Colombia

May 2024 'The Significance of the Private Actor in Torts'

Faculty Law Workshop

Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Buenos Aires, Argentina