L-functions and Motives in Niseko 2024

 September 15-20, 2024 

About This Conference

The objective of this conference is to promote communications between mathematicians working on subjects related to L-functions and Motives. The venue is in the middle of national parks in Hokkaido and conveniently accessible from Sapporo city or New Chitose Airport. This is a continuation of the conferences held in 2015, 2017, 2019 and 2022


Titles and Abstracts

Toshiro Hiranouchi , Extended differential symbol and the Weil reciprocity law with modulus


Tetsushi Ito, TBA


Ryomei Iwasa, Atiyah duality for motivic spectra


Wataru Kai, Linear patterns of prime elements in number fields

I will discuss my recent result that gives a sufficient condition for a set of finitely many polynomials of degree 1 with coefficients in a number ring to attain simultaneous prime values. This extends a 2012 theorem of Green-Tao-Ziegler from the case of Z to the general case. Time permitting, I will mention how this can be applied to produce (modestly) new families of varieties over number fields which satisfy the Hasse principle for rational points by using the so-called fibration method.

Tomokazu Kashio, On periods and the absolute Frobenius on Fermat curves


Junnosuke Koizumi, TBA


Teruhisa Koshikawa, Cohomology of log prismatic F-crystals


Yoshinori Mishiba, On algebraic relations among values of multiple polylogarithms in positive characteristic


Kazuaki Miyatani, TBA


Atsuhira Nagano, Kummer-like surfaces and their partner surfaces

Kummer surfaces for principally polarized Abelian surfaces are K3 surfaces defined by quartic equations. They are important in algebraic geometry and number theory. Particular families of lattice polarized K3 surfaces naturally contain the family of Kummer surfaces. The speaker is expecting that such families, which he calls the families of Kummer-like surfaces, are also interesting objects of research. In this talk, we will see properties of Kummer-like surfaces, such as lattices, periods, elliptic fibrations or defining equations. In order to study them, the speaker will introduce useful K3 surfaces, which he calls partner surfaces. Moreover, if there is enough time, the speaker will show the relation among K3 surfaces studied by Matsumoto-Sasaki-Yoshida (1992), Clingher-Doran (2012), Clingher-Malmendier-Shask (2019), N. (2021) and N.-Shiga (2023).

Akio Nakagawa, Geometric interpretation of certain transformation formulas for  hypergeometric functions over finite fields


Yoshiyasu Ozeki, Some Kummer extensions over maximal cyclotomic fields, a finiteness theorem of Ribet and TKND-AVKF fields

It is a theorem of Ribet that an abelian variety defined over a number field K has only finitely many torsion points with values in the maximal cyclotomic extension field K^cyc of K. Recently, Rössler and Szamuely generalized Ribet's theorem in terms of the étale cohomology with Q/Z-coefficients of a smooth proper variety. In this talk, I will explain that the same finiteness holds even after replacing K^cyc with the field obtained by adjoining to K all roots of all elements of a certain subset of K. Furthermore, I give some new examples of TKND-AVKF fields; the notion of TKND-AVKF is introduced by Hoshi, Mochizuki and Tsujimura, and TKND-AVKF fields are expected as one of suitable base fields for anabelian geometry. This is a joint work with Takahiro Murotani. 

Kazuma Shimomoto, Perfectoid towers, Frobenius lifts and lim Cohen-Macaulay sequences

I will talk about several ways of constructing non-regular Noetherian rings of mixed characteristic with Frobenius lifts. The resulting rings have some interesting singularities that were not known previously.  Then I will talk about their connections with perfectoid towers and potential applications to an open problem in commutative algebra. This is a report on a joint work with S. Ishiro. R. Ishizuka and K. Nakazato.

Daichi Takeuchi, Constructing a nearby cycles functor for functions on mixed characteristic schemes



Venues : Niseko Residents Center (main sessions), Setsu Niseko (poster sessions) 

Sunday 15

Monday 16

Tuesday 17

Wednesday 18

Thursday 19

Friday 20


We will organize a hiking on Wednesday afternoon (subject to weather conditions). 

Maps and Guides

Weather Forecast


How to get there


Deadline : August 15, 2024

Poster Session : Please give a (tentative) title if you offer a presentation at the poster session. 

Financial Support :  We offer financial support for limited participants, mainly speakers and young participants.  



This conference is supported by the JSPS Kakenhi Grant : 19K03391 (M. Asakura), 20K03566 (K. Sato),  24K06682 (N. Otsubo).
