A 12-Workshop Series on Community-Driven Planning for Racial and Climate Justice

April 2021 - March 2022

Top-down decision-making and conventional city planning concentrates power in the hands of those who profit from exploitation and extraction. Community-Driven Planning flips that script by putting the planning process in the hands of grassroots organizations and resident leaders rooted in frontline communities.

How do communities define and design for themselves? How do we define our own challenges, identify our own assets and strengths, our priorities, our biggest threats and our unique approaches to resilience, climate, and justice? This workshop series, [hosted by the National Association of Climate Resilience Planners with Facilitating Power and the NAACP], builds facilitative leadership capacity among facilitators, organizers, leaders, and educators from (and accountable to) Black, Brown, and Indigenous communities.

The content in this workshop series is based on the Framework for Community-Driven Climate Resilience Planning and is driven by the voices of grassroots leaders from across the country who exemplify Community Vision, Power, & Solutions.

What is Community-Driven Planning?

Community-driven planning is about self-determination for Black, Brown, and Indigenous communities. More capacity in our communities to develop our own solutions and plans is what’s needed to replace the exclusionary practices of top-down planning. The engine of community-driven planning includes three interconnected practices:

  1. VISIONING: Community vision is about defining for ourselves what it is we want to build together as a community, as opposed to accepting the vision that is set for us by profit motives. Facilitative leaders create space for communities to expand our understanding of what’s possible, and orient ourselves towards what’s needed for the next seven generations.

  2. SOLUTIONS DEVELOPMENT: Community-driven solutions development starts with communities coming together to assess community threats and assets. Based on this analysis, facilitative leaders support groups to develop, or identify, solutions that match their community’s own unique experiences and get at the root causes of the crises we face.

  3. POWER BUILDING: No community-derived solutions or plans can move into action without community power. It takes political, economic, and cultural power to assert community priorities and ensure they are resourced and implemented. Many of the same power-building strategies and tactics that are used to stop harmful practices can be drawn on to advance transformative solutions.

Join the Network

The National Association of Community-Driven Climate Resilience Planners (NACRP) is building a facilitators’ community of practice and referral network within the field of community-driven planning. Those who attend at least 6 of the 12 workshops will be eligible to join the network. The NACRP is made up of grassroots organizations, community-based facilitators, and champions for racial equity within government and philanthropy dedicated to transforming the culture of climate action planning from top-down to community-driven.

This workshop series is for you if you...

  • Work within OR in partnership with one or more community-based organizations rooted in communities disproportionately burdened by pollution, toxins, displacement, and other impacts related to climate and racial injustice.

  • AND are looking to play a facilitative leadership role in one or more of the following:

      • Community visioning and priority setting

      • Community assessments to understand threats and assets

      • Community-driven solutions (efforts to solve the problems a community faces)

      • Community power building to advance community priorities and solutions

      • Development of racially equitable, community-driven action plans

      • Intervening on public planning processes so as to advance community priorities

      • Working to shift local policies for racial, economic, and climate justice

      • Translating or learning to translate community language and needs into planner-speak

  • AND have an existing project or body work to which you could apply the content of the workshop series (see list of workshops below)


This workshop series is rooted in place-based action learning, where the hope is that participants will be bringing knowledge from their own work/communities, as well as applying what they learn in the workshops to existing community-driven efforts.

All Workshops will include the following elements:

  • Overview of the principles & practices of community-driven planning

  • Time for reflection on the work participants are doing in the communities to which they are accountable

  • Sharing of stories, lessons, and methods from leaders experienced in community-driven planning

  • Dialogue between participants

  • Pre- and post- exercises for participants

  • The chance to follow-up in a peer consultancy circle where participants can share challenges they have and discuss them with other facilitators

Cost & Registration

  • Cost of each workshop: $100

      • NAACP members: No cost

      • NACRP member organization: $50

      • CJA member organization: $50

  • We have set the series fee scale to be as accessible as possible. If you have any questions or would like to ask for a discount as an individual or grassroots organization with a budget of less than $500,000, please contact Tamira Machado at NACRP@movementstrategy.org.

  • To participate in any of the workshops listed below, Click the REGISTRATION button below:

  • Any questions can be sent to: nacrp@movementstrategy.org

Jacqui Patterson, NAACP, describes why community-driven planning is so critical, particularly in Black communities

Monthly Workshops

The upcoming workshop is highlighted in turquoise:

1 • vIsion power solutions

Essential Elements of Community-Driven Planning

This interactive online workshop sets the foundation for practicing community-driven planning in your own communities. You will gain confidence in describing the core principles and practices which will be described directly through the voices of grassroots leaders across the country who exemplify vision, power and solutions on the frontlines of environmental and racial justice, such as:

Facilitated by Rosa González of Facilitating Power, Julian Mocine-McQueen of The Million Person Project, and Corrine Van Hook-Turner of Climate Innovations.

2 • just design

Designing a Community-Driven Just Transition Planning Process

The transition from exploitation and extraction to resilience and regeneration takes all of us. In this interactive, online workshop, you will gain insights and tools for designing a local/regional Just Transition planning process that links community power, vision, and solutions. You will receive a planning guide and toolset developed in collaboration with the Climate Justice Alliance, as well as design principles rooted in Afro-Indigenous Permaculture, as described by:

Facilitated by Rosa González of Facilitating Power, Julian Mocine-McQueen of The Million Person Project, and Michelle Gabrieloff-Parish of Climate Innovations.

3 • Power to the People

Fueling the Revolution for (Energy) Justice

This online workshop will be led by the NAACP’s Environmental and Climate Justice (ECJ) Program, whose units, branches, and state conferences are leading the way in energy justice. We are at the forefront, fighting for community-owned solar, anti-fracking bills, local hire provisions and MANY more initiatives that create clean air, clean energy, and economic justice for all.

We will explore how community-driven planning efforts can be applied to ending corporate greed in non-renewable, toxic energy that poisons frontline communities and taking the power – both utility power and social power – back to the people where it belongs.

Facilitated by the NAACP’s Environmental and Climate Justice (ECJ) Program.

4 • Community Vision

Methods for expanding ideas of what’s possible for the next seven generations

In this interactive online workshop you will learn a range of creative methods for community visioning. How can we expand our ideas of what is possible? What does it look like to vision for the next seven generations? How can we maintain a visionary focus while engaging in the nuts and bolts of community-driven planning? How can we best partner with artists and engage the power of the arts in our community visioning efforts. We will explore these questions and more with visionary leaders, such as:

Facilitated by Rosa González of Facilitating Power & Julian Mocine-McQueen of The Million Person Project

5 • Community Power

Strategies and tactics for building political, economic, and cultural power for a Just Transition

Different from conventional public planning methods, community-driven planning is rooted in a long tradition of community organizing. In this interactive online workshop, we will explore the following questions:

  • What role does community power building play in community-driven planning?

  • What forms of community power are key to developing and implementing solutions to the problems we face?

  • How can we better balance uneven power dynamics and ensure democratic decision-making?

  • What are strategies and tactics for moving from dominant forms of power to liberatory power?

  • How can we grow our capacity for self-governance?

And we will hear stories of community power in action from grassroots leaders building community power for racial and environmental justice, such as:

Facilitated by Rosa González of Facilitating Power & Julian Mocine-McQueen of The Million Person Project

6 • Community solutions

Community-derived solutions at the intersection of economy, ecology, and democracy and methods for getting there

Our communities are best suited to identify what we need to survive and thrive through crisis. Solutions development takes 1) assessing the threats we face and the strengths we hold to address those threats, 2) developing or identifying the strategies and tactics that create the kind of transformative change needed to get at the root causes of those threats, and 3) collectively implementing them. In this interactive, online workshop, we will explore community-driven solutions development through the voices and experiences of grassroots leaders at the intersection of economic transformation, ecological health, and the deepening of democracy. Speakers via video include:

  • Miya Yoshitani, APEN

  • Mónica Huertas, The People's Port, Providence

  • Monica Atkins, Climate Justice Alliance

7 • resourcing community solutions

full spectrum capital, community-driven infrastructure, non-extractive investments

A Just Transition signifies a deep economic transformation rooted in interdependence. How can we resource the solutions our communities need in ways that disrupt patterns of extraction, exploitation and dependency? In this interactive, online workshop, we will explore a framework for community wealth building and the range of mechanisms communities are using to seed solutions, while cultivating economic justice and long-term community wealth building. Speakers include:

  • Michelle Vassel of the Wiyot Tribe and David Cobb of Cooperation Humboldt

  • Leseliey Welch of Birth Center Equity

  • Katt Ramos and Sydney Fang of Our Power Richmond

  • Damien Goodmon, Downtown Crenshaw Rising

Facilitated by Taj James of Full Spectrum Capital Partners, Julian Mocine McQueen, & Rosa González of Facilitating Power

8 • cOliberate

Methods for Community Assessment through Intergenerational Participatory Action Research

Community-driven planning puts the tools of assessment in the hands of community members. In this interactive online workshop, we will learn creative, life-affirming popular education methods for intergenerational participatory action research. The Coliberate Participatory Action Research process seeks to:

  • Support the leadership and existing expertise of community members whose lives are and will be most directly impacted by any local, city, or municipal planning.

  • Support community members of all ages to conduct their own research, align around their own analysis and strategies to “sit at the planning table” and participate in subsequent phases as leaders, not as token community representatives.

  • Identify the priorities, visions, goals and strategies of the community.

Facilitated by Levana Saxon and Tatiana Chatterji of the Partners for Collaborative Change

9 • finding alignment

Identifying Community Priorities

How do communities identify their priorities for action? What processes and methods are organizers and community-based facilitators using to find alignment across generations, cultures, and diverse needs and strengths? How can we build genuine consensus? Is it possible to identify and act on a set of priorities without in some way excluding some voices and needs in the community? In this interactive, online workshop we will explore these questions with support from the voices and experiences of community leaders, organizers and facilitators from Environmental and Climate Justice, Migrant Justice, Restorative Economics, and Transformative Justice movements.

Facilitated by Colin Miller and Marybelle Nzegwu of EJ Solutions

10 • community healing & reconciliation

Circle-based approaches to addressing conflict and past harms

Generations of institutionalized harm against Black, Brown, and Indigenous communities manifests in many ways, including conflict and harm between community members. Addressing these conflicts can be key to being able to move forward together as a community. In this interactive online workshop, you will gain an introduction into some of the methods and next practices for addressing conflict and harm in ways that cultivate community healing and reconciliation.

Guest facilitators: Jovida Ross and Rose Elizondo

11 • intervening on public planning processes for racial equity

Political education for navigating local systems

Having established a shared vision and community priorities, a community is better equipped to intervene on public planning processes. In this interactive, online workshop, you will learn strategies and tactics for asserting community priorities within public planning processes and achieving the kinds of policy and systems change needed to sustain community-driven solutions and ensure impacted communities have a voice in the decisions that impact them.

Facilitated by Leah Obias and Emi Yoko of Race Forward with guest speakers...

12 • Participatory Policy Development

Ella Baker once said, “Give people light, they will find the way.” People don’t need policy experts or elected officials telling them what should happen. People know what they need and what needs to change. Instead, people need to be heard, people need space, resources, and support to craft the solutions necessary for change. Policymaking should be about creating processes and pathways to shed light on the sacred value of community wisdom and experience.This is the belief that undergirds the participatory policymaking toolkit that will be shared in this online, interactive workshop.

Facilitated by Anthony Giancatarino, Simran Noor, and Anthony Rodgers-Wright



The National Association of Climate Resilience Planners


Facilitating Power

Process design and facilitative leadership for a thriving culture of participation



Environmental & Climate Justice Program
