
Fun with Familiar Faces!!!

Motor Lab Exercises with Mrs. Kingsley

Motor Lab.MOV

"Gratitude" with Mrs. McAndrew

Yoga/Stretching with Mrs. Hager (narrated by Mrs. Bruno)

Yoga_stretching Video with Mrs. Hager.mp4
Mr. Heyn's Breathing Exercises.MOV

Breathing with Mr. Heyn

Bunny Video.mp4

Baby Bunnies!!!

(Just something nice to spread some joy)

Understanding Big Feelings

What "tools" can you use to help re-set when you have big feelings?

A-Z Coping Skills

**This video is from the UK. Our "H" helpline is 211 or 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

Children's Books about COVID-19

Stay Home Superheroes.pdf
Coronavirus and Me.pdf

NOW AT F-P!!! Every THURSDAY at NOON, there will be a live book read with a MYSTERY READER each week! Check your library Google Classroom for the MEET information.