Video Library

State of the Nation’s Housing: 2022

The Center’s State of the Nation’s Housing 2022 report, which was released in June, noted that after a record-shattering year in 2021, the housing market appeared to be at an inflection point. Higher interest rates were taking some heat out of the home buying market, and the large number of apartments under construction were expected to bring relief on the rental side. In this presentation, Daniel McCue and Alexander Hermann, senior researchers at the Center, discuss whether and how the housing market has changed since the report was released and how high housing costs appear unlikely to relent for lower-income households and households of color.

Source: Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies

Microsoft: Generational Game-Changer for ATL

 In this presentation, I explain why Microsoft's recent announcement to purchase 90 acres in NW Atlanta to build a new corporate campus represents a once-in-a lifetime opportunity for all stakeholders. This includes residents, public and private sector leaders, non-profit organizations.  Related content >>>

Atlanta's Ring of Fire Google Earth Tour

"Ring of Fire" refers to an area in Downtown ATL that is in the early stages of a massive transformation. The fire part refers to the economic development — capital formation, investment, construction, jobs, tax base, etc. — that will be occurring over the next 10-20 years. The catalyst is a mind-blowing collection of large-scale real estate projects that are located on mostly abandoned industrial sites. I created this Google Earth Tour to help you get oriented to the area and the various projects that come into play here. Related content >>>

Beltline Transit: Murphy Crossing

In 2018, I recorded a series of videos of the proposed transit stops for the Atlanta Beltline.  My purpose was to help people get oriented with and consider the transit-oriented development potential for these key locations. I started at the Inman Park-Reynoldstown MARTA station and worked my way to the West End MARTA station, covering the southern portion of the Eastside Trail, the Southside Trail and the southern portion of the Westside Trail. Related content:

How Big Can Atlanta Get?

In 2015-16, as part of its Atlanta City Design process, the City of Atlanta Planning Department hired Dr. Arthur C. Nelson to figure out what the population of Atlanta (city proper) would be by 2050. In this presentation, Dr. Nelson shares his "big number," which is 1.3 million. Given that Atlanta's population in 2022 was just shy of 500,000 (and assuming that Dr. Nelson is right) we can expect another 800,000 people to move to ATL within the next 25-30 years.

I consider this to be a must-watch presentation because of the highly relevant insights you will gain as Dr. Nelson unpacks the process he used to arrive at his big number. This has huge implication for commercial and residential real estate. Seriously, this is a must-watch video!