(Frequently Asked Questions)
Q: Who are the PTO officers?
A: You can find them on the Directory page.
Q: How do I join the PTO?
A: There is no official membership required. Please come to our monthly meetings and participate! We'd love to meet you :)
Q: When is the next PTO meeting?
A: Our general meetings usually occur the 3rd Tuesday of every month. Our meetings rotate between Elementary (mornings) and Mid/High (evening) campuses. Please come to our meetings and give your feedback and sign up for help if you can. . If you are unable to attend in person, we try to post a link for a google meet where you can attend. Please see our calendar for when/where the next meeting will be.
Q: How can I contribute with fundraising and/or providing needed supplies?
A: Donate directly to the PTO. All donations are tax deductible because we are a non-profit organization. Throughout the school year, we have different fundraisers you can volunteer at or give towards. Watch our website and the Howl/Wolf Pup for weekly announcements.
Q: How can I help out with specific events?
A: Watch the volunteer page for opportunities to help.
Q: Do I need a background check to volunteer and how do I get one?
A: Background checks are required for PTO Officers and any parent who will be volunteering in a capacity that involves working directly with students. Please see the volunteer page for directions on how to get a background check.
Q: Who do I contact about errors, omissions, additions, or suggestions for the website?
A: Email our PTO secretary, Monnie Bigger
Q: Is there a way to connect with other parents for possible carpools?
A: There is no specific carpool contact list but a good way to reach out to other parents for this and other queries would be to post it to the PTO Facebook and/or School Facebook accounts. The PTO FB page is a private page so you will need to request to join before accessing it.