Staff & Emergency Contact Info

Important Telephone Numbers

In-Country Staff Cell Phone Numbers

Calling Guatemala From The USA

Dial: 011 (USA exit code) + 502 (Guatemala entry code) + number 

Home Base Addresses

For lost luggage and correspondence (For the immigration arrival form and contact card)  Voluntarios Afines (partner office location): 0 calle 0-55 zona 9, Ciudad de Quetzaltenango, Quetzaltenango 

Arrival and Departure Days: Calzada Santa Lucia norte No. 5, Antigua Guatemala 03001, Guatemala 

Main Home Base: 7ma avenida 6-56 zona 1, La Esperanza, Quetzaltenango 09023 

Lake Atilan Excursion: Calle del Rio Zona 2, Panajachel, Sololá, 07010 Panajachel, Guatemala 

Please print and fill out the contact card before you travel.