Are you ready to comply with the Idaho Construction General Permit training requirements?

    Welcome to the

Idaho Qualified Person                (IQP) Course 

The IQP course is intended to ensure certificate holders meet the Idaho CGP definition of “Qualified Person.” The course covers all of the required topics including:

·         Principles and practices of erosion and sediment control and pollution prevention practices at construction sites;

·         Proper installation and maintenance of erosion and sediment controls and pollution prevention practices used at construction sites; and

·         Performance of inspections, including the proper completion of required reports and documentation.

This course is the only SWPPP inspector training that is Idaho specific.  You’ll learn the Idaho specific requirements of the new Idaho CGP as well as the requirements of local agencies covered under Idaho DEQ MS4 permits.  Classes are prerecorded and available through the Idaho AGC's event's page.  

Learn more at