The above picture are some of the original sketches made by Hayao Miyazaki

This may come as a surprise for some, but Howl's Moving Castle was originally a book written by British novelist and poet Diana Wynne Jones. The movie by Studio Ghibli follows the main storyline of Jones's novel, but there are in fact many differences between the two -like Calcifer being green blue and purple! They may share many things, but if you enjoy the movie you will have a completely different experience with the book, and this does not mean the book isn't good. No no, quite the opposite. The book is a very worthwhile read, so if it's something you think you might enjoy look for it the next time you're book shopping. 

The movie was made by Studio Ghibli; a Japanese animation studio. It was founded on June 15, 1985 by Hayao Miyazaki, Isao Takahata, Toshio Suzuki, and Yasuyoshi Tokuma. It is well known for it's soft colors, and beautifully hand drawn animation. Ghibli's top movies include Spirited Away, My Neighbor Totoro, Princess Mononoke, Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, and of course Howl's Moving Castle. If the animation style is intriguing to you, I'd highly recommend checking out the Ghibli Collection to see which movie is the most interesting to you. Or just watch all of their movies, it's honestly worth the time it takes.