Main Characters

Lorelai Gilmore

Lauren Graham plays a coffee love hard worker who enjoys listening to music . You will mainly see her at the inn where she works or at Luke the best place in town to find coffee you can also find her at her house binge watch  movie with her daughter. She will try to do the best for her daughter even if that mean asking her parents for help. Sometime it seems like she acts like a kid.

Rory Gilmore 

Alexis bledel plays a intelligent daughter, who like her mom loves coffee and likening to music but she also like reading.  You can find her at Lukes reading and drinking coffee or hanging out wit her best friend lane. In her spare time she is helping out with the town. She is a caring and considered person who loves to help. When she is at school she can be a little socially award which can get her in some trouble some times. 

Emily Gilmore 

Kelly bishop plays a high standard house wife. she has high standards but she is very loving even if you can't tell at times.

Richard Gilmore

Edward Herrmann plays a stern, loving,and  hard working guy husband who can be old fashioned.

Lane Kim 

Keiko Agena play a rock loving caring person. She has a strict christened mom so she has to be creative to hide her love for rock.

Sookie st. James 

Melissa McCarthy  plays a bubbly brilliant chef who is clumsy  at times. She a very empathetic person which makes a good friend.

luke Danes

Scott Patterson plays a hardworking dinner owner who is loyal and very loving also hes sarcastic.

Michel  Gerard 

Yanic Truesdale  plays a very  sarcastic french man who is a  heath nut. He is also unpleasant at times and grumpy.

Jackson Belleville 

Jackson Douglas play a friendly farmer. Who seems to be happy all the time and so he has sarcastic wit.

Paris Geller

liza Weil plays a very well driven and self motivated  student who tries  her best to get into the school of her dreams.