In 4th grade, we focus on reading to understand, writing five paragraph essays, using text evidence to support our opinions, learning Greek and Latin roots, and sharpening our grammar.  In math, we will focus on multi-digit multiplication and division, addition and subtraction of fractions with like denominators, and analyzing and classifying geometric figures.  Our social studies focuses on the history of California.  Science units will be energy, earth's systems, and molecules to organisms.

23/24 Agenda

Our agenda lists what you will be responsible for during the week.  If you are absent, you can scroll through the slides to see previous week assignments as well.  You can access all of the material online (including your textbooks!)- either in Google Classroom, on the Wonders website, or on the Savvas website.  Wonders (use Clever and go to McGraw Hill) and Savvas links are below.  

The Accelerated Reading (AR) program is an integral part of Murphy Ranch's literacy program. Every student has a goal based on their reading ability.  Reading 20 minutes each night will ensure that you reach your goal.  Meeting your goal each trimester will be reflected in your home reading assignment grade on your report card.  I do not require you to read books that are in your AR level.  Just pick up a book you enjoy and READ!  Click on Accelerated Reader below to go to the AR website.

My gradebook on Aeries is open, so you are able to view your grades at any time.  Please make it a habit to check Aeries.  Below is the grading system I use for assessments and classwork.  Not all classwork is graded.

A - 100%-90%

B - 89%-80%

C - 79%-70%

D - 69%-60%

F - 59%-0%

On the report card, the grading system translates as follows:

4-standard exceeded- 100%-90%

3-standard met- 89%-70%

2-standard nearly met- 69%-55%

1-standard not met- 59%-0%

One way we assess student reading ability is through the Reading Inventory (RI) test.  It is taken online and results in a lexile score.  Students take this test every trimester; the score is used for the "foundational skills" grade on the report card.  Click on "Lexile Level" to see a breakdown of scores and what they mean.