2020-2021 Plan
Welcome Parents and Families
This parent site has been developed to provide you with important information regarding your child's educational program for the 2020-2021 school year.
To remain up to date on communication with our EWCSD community and provide feedback on the 2020-2021 school year please click the button below.
A Message From The Superintendent
Technology Support

The Parent Connection Videos for the 20-21 School Year can be found on our EWCSD YouTube channel under the Parent Connections playlist. Please click on the YouTube image to access the playlist.
Frequently Asked Questions
Preguntas Frecuentes
How To Log Onto Your Chromebook
1. Enter your district username (be sure to include @stu.ewcsd.org at the end of your username)
2. Enter your district password
3. If you do not know your district username and/or password you can login to Aeries Parent Portal>Student Info> and find your child's username (lower right-hand corner) and their password (upper left-hand corner).
On most occasions the username is: firstnamelastname4digits@stu.ewcsd.org
The 4 digits are the first two and the last two numbers of the Permanent Student ID located on the upper left hand corner.
Password is the entire Student ID - (8-9 digits) located on the upper left hand corner.

Video Aeries Parent Portal-English
Webinar 8-3-20 @ 6pm

Presentation Slides Aeries Parent Portal -English
Webinar 8-3-20 @ 6pm

Video Portal de Padres Aeries-Espanol
Seminario Web 8-3 -20 @ 9am

Presentacion Portal de Padres Aeries-Espanol
Seminario Web 8-3 -20 @ 9am

Video Supporting Your Child Through Distance Learning: How to find what you need to help your child succeed.
Webinar 8-6-20 @ 6pm

Presentation Supporting Your Child Through Distance Learning: How to find what you need to help your child succeed.
Webinar 8-6-20 @ 6pm

Video -Apoyando a su hijo a través del aprendizaje a distancia: Como encontrar lo que necesita para ayuda a su hijo tener éxito.
Seminario Web 8-7-20 @ 9am

Presentación - Apoyando a su hijo a través del aprendizaje a distancia: Como encontrar lo que necesita para ayuda a su hijo tener éxito.
Seminario Web 8-7-20 @ 9am

Aeries Communication
Parent Guidebook

Programa de Comunicación Aeries
Libro de Guia Para Padres
EWCSD has developed a partnership with the National Charity League, Whittier Chapter, titled, “Building Blocks.” The collaboration with this philanthropic organization will offer support for the EWCSD families through webinars, engagement, academic and SEL support, and so much more. The following document (https://bit.ly/BUILDINGBLOCKS) created from Building Blocks is a 53 page Resource Guide with a variety of printables and resources to help parents out with Distance Learning.