ASB Office Information

At EVHS, our ASB board is made up of six positions: President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Activities Coordinator, and Public relations officer. Here you can find the details of the requirements and responsibilities that a member of the ASB must have.

Minimum qualifications for all offices:

  1. Student shall be a member of the junior (or senior for all offices excepting President-elect) at the start of the next school year.

  2. They shall be approved by the Principal

  3. They shall be a student of good moral character

  4. They shall be capable of addressing a group

  5. They shall be broad minded when considering problems which arise

  6. They shall possess a valid ASB card

  7. They shall abide by the East Valley Constitution

  8. They shall maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above and must continue to hold a 3.0 GPA throughout their term in office



  1. They shall preside as chairman of this organization on the request or absence of the President.

  2. They shall lead the school in the flag salute every day on the intercom.

  3. They shall be in charge of representative elections.

  4. They shall oversee that attendance is taken at all meetings and that the right people are spoken fore.

  5. They shall be an active member of the Student Activities (SAC) class

  6. They shall preside at all ASB meetings

  7. They shall attend school board meetings and report ASB information and activities, as assigned by officers


  1. They shall prepare and distribute ASB agendas for all meetings.

  2. They shall keep a record of all meetings for the ASB and the Student Council.

  3. They shall handle all correspondence.

  4. They shall type up all minutes of the ASB meetings within five school days and put in ASB binder located in the Business Office. Attendance must also be put in the binder. This is for audit purposes.

  5. They shall read the old and new business during all ASB meetings.

  6. They shall be an active member of the Student Activities (SAC) class

  7. They shall preside at all ASB meetings

  8. They shall attend school board meetings and report ASB information and activities, as assigned by officers

  9. They shall set up a place for ASB meetings, whether it be in the library, the commons, or the black box


  1. They shall keep an accurate account and make a report of the income and expenditures of the ASB.

  2. They shall present a monthly financial report during all ASB meetings.

  3. They shall weekly sign all purchase orders and receipts in the Business Office.

  4. They shall be an active member of the Student Activities (SAC) class

  5. They shall preside at all ASB meetings

  6. They shall attend school board meetings and report ASB information and activities, as assigned by officers

  7. They shall work with the principal or his designee

  8. They shall keep the books in compliance with the State of Washington Laws: WAC 392-138.

Activity and Spirit Coordinator

  1. They shall chair the committees for all Homecoming Activities, Golden Throne, all ASB-sponsored dances, and all other activities sponsored by the ASB.

  2. They shall delegate a student to update the school reader board and monthly calendar.

  3. They shall coordinate all activities of the “Noisy Knights”

  4. They shall work with Public Relations Officer to coordinate responsibility for lunchtime announcements and activities

  5. They shall work under the direction of the Activity Advisor and/or Athletic Director.

  6. They shall be an active member of the Student Activities (SAC) class

  7. They shall preside at all ASB meetings

  8. They shall attend school board meetings and report ASB information and activities, as assigned by officers

  9. They shall read announcements during the ASB meetings.

Public Relations Officer

  1. They shall serve as the main communicator with outside sources including, but not limited to, Running Start students, InTEC, Parent Partnership, and all other students eligible to participate in school events.

  2. They shall work with Activity and Spirit Coordinator to coordinate all school-wide activities.

  3. They shall communicate with cheerleaders, athletes, West Valley Representatives, etc. as necessary for Spirit Games.

  4. They shall work with Activity and Spirit Coordinator to coordinate responsibility for lunchtime announcements and activities

  5. They shall work under the direction of the Activity Advisor and/or the Athletic Director to coordinate East Valley High School social media accounts.

  6. They shall communicate school event information through Google Classroom under the advisement of the Activity Advisor and/or the assigned building administrator to coordinate information to multiple recipients.

  7. They shall be an active member of the Student Activities (SAC) class

  8. They shall preside at all ASB meetings

  9. They shall attend school board meetings and report ASB information and activities, as assigned by officers