Nurse Information

Mrs. Koch will be available during the entire duration of the school day this year. Students are encouraged to see Mrs. Koch if they are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 or have other medical needs. Mrs. Koch will evaluate all medical concerns and take the steps needed to ensure the health of all students.

School nurses will wear PPE at all times for the safety of themselves and others.

  • There will be a designated area for suspected Covid-19 cases in each school to be used when students are waiting for a parent to arrive at school.

  • Due to the risk of spreading Covid-19, parents will not be able to directly access the nurse’s office.

  • Furniture and high touch areas in the nurses's office used by students will be disinfected after each use.

  • The CDC does not recommend that school nurses give nebulizer or other aerosol-producing treatments in the school setting. Please contact your student’s primary care provider to ensure your student has a meter dose inhaler, spacer (with mask for younger child) and asthma action plan at school.

  • Parents/guardians are encouraged to administer any before school medications for their students at home to reduce the potential exposure to healthy students.

  • Per ISDH guidance, any student exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 should be excluded from school and presumed to have COVID-19 until that student presents written documentation from a healthcare provider stating an alternative diagnosis. Without that documentation, the student would need to be excluded for 10 days and be fever-free for 24 hours without the use of medication. Please contact your student’s healthcare provider before school starts to discuss chronic issues such as allergies, asthma, migraines, etc that mimic COVID-19 symptoms.