
Wearing of face coverings is required during arrival and dismissal times.


  • Students will not be allowed to enter the school building until 7:15 AM. They will report directly to their classroom and will be supervised by their homeroom teacher. Students will eat breakfast at school, in their classrooms during homeroom. Lincoln students receive free breakfast. They can eat at home but we encourage them to eat at school if feasible for the parent/guardian. Students will be required to wear a mask when entering the building and will receive hand sanitizer.

  • Schools will use separate entry points for bus riders and students arriving by personal vehicle.


  • Students will be released from class for school buses in waves rather than all going at once. This will allow students to go straight to the bus and for students to be 6 ft. apart from other students in the bus staging area. Staff will supervise to ensure this is happening. Students will be expected to wear their face mask and use hand sanitizer prior to leaving the building.

  • Car Riders/Walkers Dismissal: Students will be staged as far apart as possible during car rider and walker dismissal.

  • Students in grades K-2 will be dismissed from the west end door by Garvin St.