
Wearing of face coverings is required during arrival and dismissal times.


  • Students will be able to enter the building at 7:45am. They will report directly to their homeroom (after picking up a grab and go breakfast, if necessary) and be supervised by the teacher in their classroom. Students will enter the building using multiple entrances. Our Kindergarten students will be entering the building through the doors by the Kindergarten rooms (off of the Lincoln playground). This is door # 8 . Our car riders will enter through the door by the office. This is door #1. Bus riders will enter the building through the doors at the west end of the front of the building. This is door #2. Students will be required wear a mask when entering the building at the start of the day. Mask can be removed when students are in the classroom setting.


  • All students will be required to wear a face covering during dismissal. All students will remain in their classroom until dismissed.

  • Bus Rider Dismissal: Students will be released from class for buses in waves rather than going all at once. When buses arrive at school, the bus number will be announced and students will move toward the bus at that time while being supervised/escorted in the hallways.

  • Car Rider Dismissal: Families of car riders will receive an assigned time to arrive for pick up of students. Students will be called down during that time and will go to their cars. Early pick up from the office is discouraged unless there is an emergency, or a scheduled appointment for the student. As in previous years, the office will not be able to take dismissal changes after 2pm.