
Wearing of face coverings is required during arrival and dismissal times.


  • Students should not arrive at school prior to 7:30 a.m. since they will not be allowed to enter the school building until that time. Students will be offered breakfast as they enter and should then make a quick stop at lockers before reporting directly to their first period classroom to eat and then begin the school day. The school day will begin at 7:50 a.m. Students who do not eat breakfast at school are encouraged to arrive closer to 7:50 AM if feasible for the parent/guardian.

  • Arrival: Harwood will use entry door #30 off Wedeking for beginning of day drop off and end of day pick up.


  • Students will be released from class for school buses in stages rather than all at once. This will allow students to go straight to the bus. If that isn’t possible, students should maintain social distancing from others in the bus staging area.

  • Car Rider Dismissal: Students will be staged as far apart as possible during car rider dismissal. Car rider vehicles should form a pick up line along Wedeking Avenue toward the Bedford Avenue end of the street (near the track) to avoid the bus pick-up line. All drivers and passengers should remain inside the vehicle at all times while waiting for their student to arrive at the car. Car rider dismissal may be slightly delayed in order to manage socially distanced foot traffic.

During school hours, parents needing to drop off students, student items, or to pick up students for appointments should use door #32. Parents will need to stay outside the door, and wait for their student to arrive at the door to pick up the item or leave for the appointment.