Social Emotional Learning

The EVSC has always been committed to making sure all students have the skills they need to succeed in life. That focus is even more critical this year as students return to class. To help them cope with changes and settle back into school, the EVSC will spend time each day working with your student in the following areas:

Safety & Procedures:

    • Students will learn their school-specific procedures for hygiene including handwashing and how to wear their masks.

    • Students will also learn about their school-specific practices to maintain safe social distancing.

Community Building:

  • Students will participate in culturally inclusive community building lessons and activities.

  • During these lessons, students will begin to identify and share their unique strengths, cultures, family make-up, and interests.

Social Emotional Learning:

    • All students will take part in the EVSC’s Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Curriculum when returning. K-8 students will take part in the lessons throughout the school year.

    • During these lessons, students will review foundational practices in SEL and begin to develop coping or “refueling skills” that will help them manage emotions and learn at their highest potential.

Mental Awareness:

  • Students will have opportunities to learn about and practice coping and mindfulness skills. By developing these skills, all students will learn healthy ways to manage stressors they may be experiencing.

  • As part of EVSC’s SEL curriculum, students will also develop the ability to pause, notice, and identify emotions so they can share with others any challenges they may be experiencing.

Student Support Services:

  • Some students may be experiencing more significant emotional challenges, including fears or anxieties, sadness, difficulty concentrating, or trauma.

  • Student support services include school nurses, counselors, school social workers, school psychologists, and SEL specialists. This team will provide additional interventions to support our students having these challenges.