
In an age defined by digital innovation and connectivity, organizations that prioritize digital literacy, education, and empowerment stand as beacons of change. As we navigate an increasingly interconnected world, the roles of these entities become ever more crucial. Let's delve into the missions and core values of three pivotal partners:, Best Buy Teen Tech Center, and Wallace Community College Selma. Each, in its unique way, plays an instrumental role in shaping the digital landscape, fostering education, and bridging the digital divide.

Asaad Abdullah
Digital Skills Instructor


Mission Statement: "To eliminate the digital divide by making high-speed, low-cost internet service and computers, and free digital literacy courses accessible to all unconnected Americans."

About Statement: operates with the conviction that access to the internet is not a privilege but a fundamental right. By collaborating with major internet service providers, the organization offers affordable connectivity solutions, ensuring that socio-economic barriers don't hinder online access. Moreover, with a robust offering of digital literacy courses, empowers individuals with the skills needed to thrive in today's digital era.

Mission Statement: "To provide teens with access to technology and a safe space where they can explore, collaborate, and create, empowering them to achieve success in school, their careers, and their communities."

About Statement: Best Buy Teen Tech Centers, spread across various communities, serve as vibrant hubs of creativity and innovation. These centers, equipped with cutting-edge technology, mentorship programs, and collaborative spaces, cater specifically to teenagers. By fostering a supportive environment, Best Buy Teen Tech Center cultivates a new generation of tech-savvy individuals, nurturing their talents and aspirations.

Mission Statement: "To provide accessible, high-quality educational opportunities that empower students to succeed academically and professionally."

About Statement: Nestled in the heart of Selma, Wallace Community College stands as a testament to educational excellence and inclusivity. With a diverse range of programs, dedicated faculty, and state-of-the-art facilities, the college serves as a cornerstone for academic and professional growth. Committed to the holistic development of its students, Wallace Community College Selma continually evolves, ensuring that every individual has the tools and resources needed to excel.

The partners, - Best Buy Teen Tech Center - and Wallace Community College Selma exemplify the transformative power of education and digital access. Through their unwavering dedication and innovative approaches, these partners illuminate pathways to a brighter, more inclusive future.