Social EmotionaL Learning at Home

Build Strong And Supportive Relationships

Connected families give children a safe, secure place to be themselves and to learn about who they are. When children feel supported and loved, they have the confidence to explore their world, to try new things and to learn. When families have strong relationships they can better manage challenges and setbacks together.

Connective Resources for Families

Screen-Free Activities for families to do together. K-5 Conversation Starters for all ages.

Questions to ask your children while reading or watching T.V. together Calendar of Activities for families to do around Vancouver.

ParenTeen Connect- Teens and their parents address hot-button topics Social Emotional Activities for 6-12th grades

Provide Opportunities to Explore Individual and Community identities

Every child has a social identity, which is how we perceive our various roles in society in relation to others. Whether it is through social position, culture or ethnicity, interests, achievements, or beliefs, we derive a sense of pride, self-worth, and consistency from our social identities.

Empower Personal Agency

Personal agency can be defined as the ability to initiate and direct actions toward the achievement of defined goals. This sense of agency is essential for you to feel in control of your life: to believe in your capacity to influence your own thoughts and behavior, and to have faith in your ability to handle a wide range of tasks or situations.

Rhythm at Home

Every family has their own unique rhythm. This rhythm helps families orient and navigate family life together. Here are some optional resources to help support this in family life.

Support Self-Regulation Skills

Self-regulation is the ability to manage your emotions and behavior in accordance with the demands of the situation. It includes being able to resist highly emotional reactions to upsetting stimuli, to calm yourself down when you get upset, to adjust to a change in expectations, and to handle frustration without an outburst. It is a set of skills that enables children, as they mature, to direct their own behavior towards a goal, despite the unpredictability of the world and our own feelings.

Resources to Support Self-Regulation:

Mind Up- Videos

Child Mind Institute resources about supporting your child's self-regulation

The Imagine Neighborhood Podcast about feelings

Understanding Feelings Activities for home