Illahee Family and Community Resource Center

Meet Ms. Anne

This is my very first year as a Raven!  I am excited to be at Illahee and work with such amazing staff, students, and parents.

I live in Vancouver with my husband and two kids.  I like to spend time with my family, run and kayak in my free time.

I have worked in school districts for nearly 20 years.  I am excited to meet and work with the Illahee community and see how we can come together to help our community be strong.

You can contact Ms. Anne to learn more about resources available.

Call: 360.604.3371

I want to give something!

We have many opportunities to give to the FCRC program at Illahee Elementary School.  Some of our most needed items are:

Any donations can be dropped off between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on Fridays.  Please call to see if there are other things that the FCRC can use.

Please make sure that any names on items are scrubbed off or covered up before you bring items in.  Please also check for holes, rips, tears, and stains.  We want our kids to have the best whenever they need anything.  This also helps to protect your privacy as a donor.

If you would like to donate your time, we can use that, too!  We can always use volunteers to help clean, sort, and organize these donations!  Call 360-604-3371 for more information.

I need help but...where do I start?

The Family and Community Resource Center is here to help our families be stronger and our communities be more connected to the school.  We have lots of things that we regularly help families with.  If you need help with something not on the list, all you have to do is ask!

Here are just a few things we provide for you and your students:

If there is anything needed in your household, it is our hope that you reach out.  After all, we cannot help if we don't know what you need!  We are here to be your family's strongest advocate so that your kids can learn as much as they can during these early years.

Translators are available for families who are more comfortable speaking in their native tongue.

Your privacy is important to us.

Whatever you give, need, or say in our resource center space stays in the space unless you tell us that you are hurting yourself, someone is hurting you, or you are thinking or hurting someone else.  We understand that families struggle with many things.  Our goal is to support you through these challenges; not to share these challenges with others.

Your confidentiality will always be our top priority.  We will assist you and your student with discretion, empathy, and love.