Parent Resources

Middle school rumors!

Day in the life of middle school!

What is emotional intelligence in 90 seconds?

Top 5 Things for Parents to Know...

Tips from Middle School Counselors

  1. There is a lot less paper! Make sure your email and phone number is updated with the school. School information is sent out via email blast, so that is super important.

  2. Get to know the Shahala website and check the Shahala facebook page often for information, because they share most information through those platforms.

  3. Be familiar with skyward.

  4. Email is the best way to communicate with teachers and staff.

  5. Don't assume your child can organize and manage the case work of 6 classes (even if they are good organizers right now); provide extra support the first couple months to help them create an organization system they can become independent using.

*Ms. Hoppis will do a class lesson on a folder organization system recommended by Lisa DeGrenier, School Counselor at Shahala. She recommends parents check the folders for "to do" items with their student daily.

*If you have questions on any big projects coming up or missing assignments, try emailing teachers on Wednesdays to give teachers time to respond and students time to complete the work to turn in by Friday.