BBC Library

At BBC, we are striving to make learners out of everyone, and leaders out of many. Everyone deserves a chance to strive to their highest potential. Our library is going to help students flourish as they seek their learning goals.

Find a great book and read it from cover to cover. 

 It can be short.

 It can be long. 

Medium sized is also a good choice. Just read.

 Get lost in the words on the page. 

Picture yourself as part of the story. 

Let yourself get lost in the  setting. 

Let yourself find ways that you would change the plot if you were the author. 

Find a great book. 

Books are important.

I cannot believe we are in February!  Where is the time going?!

                                                                          Ms. Kari, Teacher-Librarian Extraordinaire

Keep reading, BULLDOGS!