Happy Summer, Silverback Families!

What could be easier 24 squares to complete and fill out a Google Form for each Bingo. Monday FUNday (Craft, STEM, create); (Book) Trailer Tuesday; Everybody Book Wednesday; Thursday Exertion Day (Physical activity); First Chapter Friday and Book Genre Reading! Complete a blackout and get a $5 coupon to the FALL BOOK FAIR!

Posted Summer Bingo

The Arts Presents: Choir, Drama, Art and Band


Lean On Me by Bill Withers performed by 6th, 7th & 8th graders from Covington and Frontier Middle Schools. Recorded safely, remotely and individually. Directed and mixed by Britta Hobbs. Video by Bryan Helfrich.

Drama Production

Frontier Middle School Proudly Presents: Virtually Ever After. 2020-2021

I am very proud of the students. They worked extremely hard to make this virtual play a success. Thank you to you all.

-Mr. Butenschoen

2021 EPS District Art Show - MS & HS final

Art Class

Every year Evergreen School District does an art show showcasing all of the beautiful and amazing art that is made around the district. Each middle school art teacher can choose up to 10 students from the year to enter and it has often been on display at the public library on 136th. However, this year, we had to make some changes and do it virtually. There are amazing artists at Frontier and around the district. Below you will see a slideshow of the artwork. Frontier is on slides 24-33. I hope you have time to check it out. Thanks!

Frontier Band

I am thrilled to announce that the Frontier Marching Band participated this year in the Hazel Dell Parade of Bands 2021 Virtual Parade! Back in late May we recorded our portion of the parade, and the full video was released over the weekend. I'm so excited that the kids had the opportunity to perform in this event, along with a concert last week. The kids represented their school very well, as one of very few middle school bands to participate. It was a challenge, but they really stepped up! It's a wonderful sign of more "normal" things to come next year! (Frontier band is at about 16:26).

Frontier Middle School Library is OPEN for checkout!

Wednesday 8 AM to 4 PM. Please make sure Skyward Health Attestation is filled out before coming.

If these hours do not match your family's available time, please email the teacher supplying the materials and/or the Teacher Librarian, christina.larrechea@evergreenps.org to check on other options.

Destiny Discover Overview Video: Login through Classlink--EPS Libraries

Bus Delivery Route System

Search for your address and find the closest bus route to you. and check the times (morning and afternoon) the bus stops.


High School & Beyond Program

HSBP Explanation:

The High School & Beyond Plan revolves around three questions: Who am I?, What can I become?, and How do I become that? While the HSBP is a high school graduation requirement, it actually begins in the 7th grade by helping students get the most out of high school (and middle school) in thinking & planning both their immediate and future educational & vocational goals.

In middle school, and throughout high school, students work with their college & career counselors, teachers, and adults in their life to create a “personalized pathway" annually revising their plan to accommodate changing interests or post secondary goals. The post secondary aspirations may include pathways for application to four-year colleges or universities, two-year community or technical colleges, apprenticeship programs, industry standard certificate programs, military training, or on-the-job training.

Rationale for MS posting of video:

With this 3 minute video we’re providing MS adults/guardians a glimpse of their students' work with their High School & Beyond Plan which they will be engaging in the 7th & 8th grades.

Student Reset Password

Instructions on how to change passwords

If you are using a personal/home device here are instructions on how to update password.

Video on how to change passwords

If you get an error msg after updating password to input your old password again, follow these instructions

Change Skyward Password

Instructions on how to change Skyward Password

Video how to change Skyward Password