
Dear Families,

We hope you are adjusting as well as you can to our ever-changing reality. Our teachers and staff are fully committed to streamlining support for you and your child as we move forward!

As part of that effort, we have established a webpage designed to:

  • Streamline two-way communication between families and teachers,

  • Provide one place for families to receive all necessary district and school information/updates,

  • Offer common tools and resources to support families with navigating plans for their student’s learning,

  • Provide weekly updates from all school staff in a consolidated format.

We hope you find this site helpful and informative. We will be continually updating and adding to it with the goal of improving our support of our community.

Wishing you health and safety,

Mr. Schiewe and Mrs. Frank

Principal's Corner

Check here for ongoing communications and updates from our office! As always, please email us for support: