Small Groups Updates

Small groups will begin in January for 2023-2024 school year.  

The groups are 30 minutes once a week and a caregiver's permission is required to participate in the group.  The following are various groups that may be offered depending on interest and need.  Typically, there will be a group to home communication note on the topic and a home practice suggestion that supports the skill taught.  Please contact one of us if you have questions or wonders regarding your specific child.


Kindergarten - Topics are sharing, taking turns, accepting no, calm strategies, following directions, stating needs expectedly, transitioning from desired activities and being flexible with changes.

Family Changes - Topics range from feelings surrounding the issues or change(divorce, loss, blended family…), coping strategies, communication skills, and what we have control or not about.

Friendship - Children learn what works and what does not work in social situations, ways to make and keep friends are discussed and practiced, conflict resolution, taking turns, sharing, and teamwork.

Emotion Regulation - Children learn what self-control means, how actions impact others, coping skills to regulate, self-talk, and managing emotions.

Worries and Stress - Topics include learning about fears and worries, where they come from, and how to handle them in the most effective ways.  They will learn strategies and support others in the group.

Belonging & Attendance - A group for children to increase community and engagement with school.  Topics will range from attendance, motivation, goals, barriers, and belonging.

Classroom Success - A group for children to learn and practice skills to help them succeed in the classroom.  Topics are following rules and steps, listening, ignoring distractions, asking for help, and working with others.