How do I excuse an absence using Skyward Family Access?
Being at school provides students with the opportunity to grow academically, socially, and emotionally while interacting with classmates, other students and staff. Because of this, consistent daily attendance is very important. Regular attendance has been tied to school success and it is our desire for every Evergreen Public School student to be successful.
All students ages of 8 and under 18 years are required by Washington state law to attend school regularly RCW 28A.225.010 . If a parent or guardian enrolls a child at 6 or 7 years of age, the child is required by law to attend the full school session RCW 28A.225.015. To ensure compliance, the Evergreen Public Schools takes regular attendance in each school and has set a policy for excused and unexcused absences.
Parents or guardians must provide the school an excuse for any absence or late arrival in the form of a note, personal contact with school officials, or through Skyward. (Please refer to your child's individual school student handbook.) Any absence not properly explained within three days of the student returning to school will not be excused without approval from an administrator.
School Hours and Attendance
Absences: Parents should contact the school by 9 a.m. if their child(ren) will miss school due to illness, family emergencies, or other excused reasons. At the elementary school level, the school will attempt to contact parents if a child is absent and no contact is made by 10 a.m.
What is an excused absence? What is an unexcused absence?
Early Releases: A student wishing to leave school during school hours must have a note from a parent or guardian stating the reason and time of release. A parent or guardian must sign out the student at the appointed hour.
2024-2025 School Attendance Calendar
Resources and Tools to Support Increased Attendance
ESD 112 is offering the Parent Project a parenting course for parents of strong willed children that are 12 years and older. Please send an email to for more information
Loving Solutions 5-10 years old
Parent Project 12-18 years old
Elementary Early Schools: 7:50 am – 2:25 pm | Early Release: 7:50 am - 12:10 pm
Elementary Late Schools: 8:40 am – 3:15 pm | Early Release: 8:40 am - 1:00 pm
Middle Schools: 9:35 am – 4:05 pm | Early Release: 9:35 am - 1:50 pm
High Schools: 8:45 am - 3:15 pm | Early Release: 8:45 am -12:50 pm
Specialty Schools
Student Attendance Specialist
Alicia Flinn
Student Engagement Specialist
Aaron Helenihi
What is a Community Engagement Board?
Can I volunteer to support increased attendance?