Special Education Department
Welcome to the Everett Public Schools Special Education Google Site page. The Special Education Google Site was created to offer a variety of information and resources that can be easily accessible at home. This site was created for our students to connect with their teacher and/or team to ensure that the current level of skills for our students continue to be maintained. We understand that our students and families are facing a challenging time, however we hope this site serves it purpose and relieves a bit of the anxiety our students and families are experiencing. We hope this site provides you with meaningful enrichment activities that can be easily implemented in the comfort of your homes. While we continue to provide enrichment activities, our priority is and will always be the safety our students. We hope you all stay safe during this time.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out using our Contacts page.
Child Find Notice
October 5, 2024
In accordance with IDEA and Massachusetts Chapter 71B, all public schools must provide special education for children determined to be educationally disabled. The law requires a school district to identify such children from 3 to 21 years of age. This law applies to all children, including those in non-public schools, pre-schools, and hospital settings. In addition, children of migrant or homeless families are entitled to public education.
Parents or service providers who suspect a child might have an educationally disabling condition are encouraged to contact their child’s school. The Everett Public Schools will arrange for the screening and evaluation of any students who are unable to progress effectively in general education because of a disability.
For more detailed information about the policies, procedures, and services available at the Everett Public Schools for special education, please contact William Donohue in the Special Education Office at 617-394-2400 x. 610061 or email at wdonohue@everett.k12.ma.us.
Translated letters:
SEPAC EVENT!!!! November 18, 2024 on Zoom at 6:30PM
Zoom Link:
SEPAC/District Online Posting for Parent Orientation
The School District together with Department of Elementary and Secondary Education will be hosting a parent orientation to learn about the upcoming Special Education and Civil Rights review in our district. The parent orientation will be held on Zoom at 6:30 PM on November 18th. Please join us!
You may contact William Donohue at 617-394-2400 x. 610061 with questions about the parent orientation or the review. You may also find this information on our district website:
Zoom Link:
Translated Invitations:
Thank you.
EVERETT SEPAC Board Member 2024-2025
President: Flavia De Souza
Vice President: Camila DaSilva Lopes
Treasurer: Vanessa Leite
Secretary: Jazmin Ruiz
Secretary: Ana Bichara
SEPAC Email Address:
SEPAC Facebook Page:
Everett Public School PPP

Everett Public Schools Special Education Procedures Manual

Audit Advisory Letters

Everett Public Schools and SEPAC Presents:
Parent's Basic Rights Notice of Procedural Safeguards

G-Mail Account Instructions

i-Ready Family Guide