
All citizens and organisations are encouraged to organise a debate in any heritage site across the European continent, ensuring full respect of COVID-19 sanitary measures in place. In order to allow the widest participation possible, the initiative remains flexible with regards to the format, scale, or duration of the debates. However, we have put together a few guidelines to help organisers plan their events and maximise their impacts.

Submit your event

Participating organisations are asked to fill in this online form to submit their events, including the name of the planned event, its date, format, description and the contact details of the organiser. All events will feature on an up-to-date calendar.

For greater visibility, participating organisations can also publish their events on the official digital platform of the Conference on the Future of Europe.

Format of the event

In order to ensure the widest participation as possible, the initiative remains flexible and the debates can be:

  • Virtual, hybrid or face-to-face, ensuring in the latter case full respect of the sanitary measures in place;

  • Large or small, with a desired minimum of 10 participants from several disciplines (e.g. architects, designers, students, climate experts, entrepreneurs, etc) to gather a diversity of viewpoints;

  • At least one hour long;

  • Open to everyone: associations, networks, local authorities, communities, young people, artists, etc

  • In any heritage site: museums, (private) historical houses, theatres, opera houses, archaeological sites, places of worship, industrial heritage sites and but also parks, gardens and other green/natural areas, as well as sites representing the intangible value of cultural heritage, such as places of remembrance or places producing protected agricultural brands, etc.

  • Combined with other cultural activities, such as an artistic performance or an exhibition.

Structure of the event

The debates can be introduced and managed by a moderator of your choice.

In order to ensure a certain coherence between the debates, it is proposed that participants discuss at least the three following questions:

  • How can the European Union better take into consideration the changes in people’s living and working conditions, by improving inclusiveness and respecting the principles of a greener and more sustainable society?

  • Which would be, in your view, the key priorities of the European Union for the Future? Which changes would you propose regarding the role of the European Union, its goals and the way it is managed?

  • What role do you think cultural heritage should play in the future shaping of our societies and in the future of the European Union overall?

Other questions can be discussed in addition to the three selected ones.

Further inspiration and ideas to define the theme and questions of the debates can be found in the essay “Togetherness - A New Heritage Deal for Europe”, written by Hermann Parzinger, Executive President of Europa Nostra, and published in the EIB’s Big Ideas series.


To maximise the impact of these debates, organisers are kindly asked to fill in an online form to report on their outcomes, including the number of participants, a summary of the debate, the questions raised, and key outcomes. The feedback will be collected and sent by Europa Nostra to the relevant platforms of the New European Bauhaus and the Conference on the Future of Europe.

Communication & Dissemination

Organisers are encouraged to provide maximum visibility around the event by using all appropriate communication means (written/online media, social media, local radios, television stations, etc). Please, make sure to tag us on social media or send us any relevant links so that we can also share it within our network.

In order to ensure wide dissemination and maximum consistency of the campaign, Europa Nostra has produced a campaign toolkit for its members, partners and event organisers, which includes, among others:

  • all communication material: press release, logos, visuals in several formats, video clips in several sizes;

  • suggestions for social media messages, website and newsletter texts