Bump, set, spike!
7th grade: Coach Holly Johnson (hollyjesq@aol.com)
8th grade: Sarah Pudandelion (spudandelion@gmail.com)
Please contact Nicole Taylor (ntaylor@eurekausd.org) , Athletic Director, for more information.
Season Information
7th grade:
Practice Schedule: M/Tu 3:15-4:45, W 2:15-3:45, Th 3:15-4:15
8th grade: Start Tuesday, Aug. 20
8/20: Tryouts 3:15-5:15
8/21: Tryouts 2:15-4:15, Evening Notification of Team Members
8/22: First Practice 3:15-5:15
8/23: No volleyball
Parent Athletics meeting: August 28, 6pm, MP Room
Team pictures: Sept. 25
* Be sure you have signed up on Appryse, been cleared, and declared "Girls Volleyball" BEFORE Aug. 19.
APPRYSE ONLINE ATHLETIC ENROLLMENT now open (see info below)! You CANNOT attend tryouts until you are signed up, cleared, and enrolled in Girls Volleyball through Appryse. Sign-ups WILL NOT get cleared the day tryouts start, sign up now!
From the "Sports Zone" page pull down menu, scroll to the bottom and select "Appryse Registration". You CANNOT attend practices before you have completed this two-step process. We are NOT currently requiring physicals.
Create an account. New to Olympus students needs to create and account. Returning students need to update their exisiting account.
After you receive the approval email from Appryse (check your Spam folder) you need to log back in, select "Girls Volleyball" and answer the questions.
Our Athletics Program is supported mainly by parent/guardian donations. We couldn't keep our Athletics Program alive without your support. Please consider donating, any amount helps the student athletes.
Donations help to cover the costs of league fees, officials, field prep, uniform replacement, equipment, supplies, and more.
If you don't have an account yet, follow these steps:
Register your account at: https://olympus.myschoolcentral.com.
Once registered, Parent accounts need to be linked to their Students.
Click "My Account" then "Register for an account". Go to "My Family" & enter your student's ID# (their 5 digit ID number in PowerSchool).
Once your student is linked to the account, you can place all of the "orders" online.
Once the transaction is completed, we will receive updates on who has provided voluntary athletic donations (VAC) for Athletics.