eureka high Loggers

Welcome to the Eureka High School Athletic Department. We are 1 of 11 teams in the HDNL. Currently we offer over 25 sports teams that serve to more that 250 student athletes.  

Who are the Loggers?

We are an education based, co-curricular athletic department.  This means  participation in athletics at Eureka High School will provide the highest quality experience for every athlete.  We will intentionally develop and explicitly teach a set of core values that will be taken with our student athletes to be successful in life. 

We plan and prepare to win, but our purpose is measured by the relationships we build and the pursuit of our three core values: 

Core Values

Do the right thing

Do everything to your best ability

Show you care

For Students to be able to eligible to participate on a sports team they need to have the following:

Fall Sports Parent Meeting Thursday, August 15th at 6pm in the EHS Auditorium

Eureka High School1915 J StreetEureka CA 95501707-441-2525