Middle School Health & P.E. 

6th  - 7th  -  8th  

Back to school night !!!

This year back to school night will be held on:

Tuesday 9/14 @ 6:00pm

Class overview        

Physical Education 6th, 7th, & 8th grade


Mr. Pendry

Physical Education Grading & Expectations

Each student will be expected to arrive on time each & every day, prepared to participate to the best of their abilities, while demonstrating a positive level of positive sportsmanship & enthusiasm towards others.  All student begin the quarter with a 100% A+, and are expected to maintain their grade through out the P.E. semester.   Below is a breakdown of the P.E grade procedure.  


Positively engaging in all daily:

• warm up routines 

• activities

• games

• fitness routines

• fitness challenges (Spring & Fall)

• skill checks.  

Participation - Out of a possible 20 points. 2 points will be deducted from the student’s grade each time they fail to participate in the category.


The conduct grade is reflective of how students conduct themselves in class. Any major infraction of conduct, even an isolated, one-time incident, will adversely impact a student’s conduct grade as will more frequent disruptive behavior and a disregard for stated rules.

• consistent lateness or leaving before dismissed

• getting out of their seat when not permitted or wondering around the gym

• inappropriate use of cell phone, computer, or ipad in class

• disrespecting other students or school employees

• sniping remarks or talking back to authority figure

• cheating

• misuse of the locker room or gym equipment

  un sportsman like behavior

• fighting with another student or school employee

Conduct / Behavior - Out of a possible 20 points. 2 points will be deducted from the student’s grade each time they display inappropriate behavior in class.


Lateness to class- Showing up to class late without a note from a teacher will result in a -2 point deduction for each infraction.  There will be a teacher assigned detention after 3 unexcused late to class.  

Attendance - Out of a possible 20 points. 2 points will be deducted from the student’s grade each time they are late to class without a reasonable excuse.  


The warm up grade includes but is not limited to:

• stretching

• run / walk / jogging

• exercise type activities

• games

• fitness stations

Warm Ups - Out of a possible 20 points. 2 points will be deducted from the student’s grade each time they fail to participate in the daily warm up routines.  

***Please be sure to wear gym appropriate clothing to school along with a comfortable pair of sneakers.  A water bottle is also recommended.

Mr. Pendry’s 6th, 7th, & 8th grade 

P.E & Health Google Classroom Links/Codes


6th Period 4 Health T1

Period 4 (10:50- 11:32am) M, W, F

Health  Google Class Code:  ydkidgp 


***Begins First Trimester****

8th Period 3 Health T1

Period 3 (10:06-10:48am) M-F

Health Google Class Code:  opb6fak 



7th Period 7 Health

Period 7 (12:50-1:32) M-F

Health Google Class Code:  N/A

***Begins third marking period****