Save the Earth

Who we are: We are year 3 builders we are doing this website to explain to stop hurting the planet.

What are we learning about: We are learning about extinction and endangered animals.

Why are we fundraising: We want to help the animals to not become extinct and need to help the animals to not get sick.

Soil pollution

Soil pollution and land degradation is caused by throwing trash in the soil and by chemicals and pesticides.

Air pollution

Air pollution is the release of pollutants into the air. It can come from cars, factories and burning fossil fuels.

Water pollution

Water pollution is the contamination of lakes, rivers, oceans and ground water, usually because of human activities.

Plastic Pollution

If we don't stop polluting the oceans, there will be more plastic than fish in the sea by 2050!!! Plastic breaks down into microplastics and gets eaten by fish and other sea animals.

Did you know the great Pacific garbage patch is about 3 times bigger than France?!

How are we fundraising?

We are teaming up with the Sea Monkey project to sell educational packs about plastic pollution. For each pack we sell, the Sea Monkey project will give us 10RM back to donate to a project of our choice.

What will we do with the money we raise?

We will donate the money to projects like the Sea Monkey Project, Zoo Negara, Save the Orangutans and WWF. For the zoo, we can adopt a pet from the zoo. No, we don't take them home! We give them food, water, medicine and everything they need. It is very important to keep them safe. But not just them, all animals and the whole planet because the Earth protects us so we should protect the Earth.

The Sea Monkey Project is a family that are trying to take as much plastic as they can out of the ocean and stop more plastic pollution. They are trying to help the planet so we can have a nice place for all of us to live in. They upcycle the plastic they find and make it into creations like necklaces and rulers. They use a machine to make them.

Here is the Sea Monkey Project video. This video shows you how they work the machine!

What's in the packs?

In each pack there is a ruler, a comic book and a turtle necklace!

Our school will also get a series of videos about plastic and the oceans.

You can order a pack from any Year 3 Student or email Ms Lizzi with your name, class and how many packs you want to buy:


Visit for more information

Comic book

This is the comic book with ideas to save the ocean.

Turtle necklaces and rulers

Turtle necklaces and rulers are made from upcycled plastic.

People can also buy upcycled bags from the Sea Monkey Project website.

The bags are made from old sails and fishing nets.

We need to play our part

We all need to play our part to save the planet! If we don't lots of animals will be extinct and the planet will get lots of pollution and habitat loss so we need to help and achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals before 2030!

If you want to know about endangered animals, please visit the link,

This website was created by Cosima, Rain, Haru, Ayman and Yi Nuo from Year 3 Builders, EtonHouse Malaysia.