Welcome to Logic Games

This is a 6-week elective course that will include team work, self-evaluation, sportsmanship, creative and logical thinking, and of course...FUN!

Please see below for a breakdown of each week and the class grading policy.

Week 1:

This week will include an introduction to the class. Our main focus in week 1 is to discuss and practice how to be a good sport (both when winning and losing). After completing some brainstorming with the students, they will learn that gracious winners and losers look very similiar in their behavior. We will then play some quick, fun games (where there will be lots of losers), so that students can practice their sportsmanship.

Week 2 & 3:

During week 2 and 3, students will be intoduced to different types of logic games..some require groups, some require partners, and some are played indepedently. Most of the games introduced in this class are played with a deck of cards or a simple set of dice. Occasionally, students might play some logic games on their chromebooks. Every Friday, we have "Free Play Friday," where the students are able to choose the game they would like to play from the ones that have been introduced.

Week 4 & 5:

The focus during week 4 and 5 shifts a bit to creative thinking and team work. Students will design their own board game from scratch (usually in groups). They will create the board, directions, game pieces, and any other items necessary for their game. All art supplies and necessary game items will be provided for the students. Occasionally, students like to bring in their own items to make their game unique (stickers, puffy paint, prizes, etc), but this is not required and does not effect a student's grade if they do not bring additional items from home.

Week 6:

Our final week! During week 6, students will play all of the games that have been created by their classmates. It is usually a fun-filled (and loud) week as students play the new and unique games that have been created.


In this class, 3 types of grades will be entered in the gradebook:

  1. Weekly Self-Evaluation Grades (students grade themselves)

  2. Game Board Project Grade (teacher assigns the grade based on a rubric-grade is given to all students in the group)

  3. Particpation in Game Board Project Creation (classmates evaluate the members in their group)

Weekly Self-Evaluation Grades:

Every Friday, students will reflect on their behavior in class and give themselves a score between 1-10 (1 being the lowest-10 being the highest). They evaluate themselves on three topics that we discuss and review clearly in class:

  1. Sportmanship (What kind of winner/loser were you this week?)

  2. Participation (Yes, although this class is an elective class, you still have to participate in the activities.)

  3. Overall classroom behavior (Are you on time?, following the classroom rules?, listening to directions?, etc.)

This grade is worth 10 points and will be entered weeks 1-4.

Game Board Project Grade:

This grade is given by the teacher (me). At the completion of the board game assignment, students will be graded on a rubric. This rubric is shared with the students prior to and during the project completion.

This project grade is worth 18 points.

Participation in Game Board Project Creation:

This is a one time grade based on a student's participation in completing the board game project. The teacher is ultimately in charge of the grade that goes in the gradebook, but group members will have an opportunity to evaluate their peers (and themself) based their contribution to completing the group project.

This participation grade is worth 10 points.