
Diana Balitaan

they/them/theirs or she/her/hers pronouns

Community Service Coordinator

I'm from Mundelein, IL and graduated from Northwestern University in Social Policy and Environmental Policy and Culture. When I was in high school, I was part of the Santa Maria Handbell Choir, which put on concerts each year at local senior homes, and I participated in the youth Relay for Life. Throughout college, I volunteered at daycares and children's programs throughout Evanston!

Now, I take action through volunteering at local urban farms, participating in actions and chalkouts, writing my elected officials, and running workshops about Filipino identity!

As a second generation Filipino-American, I believe it's important to "Know History, Know Self" to understand the current conditions and make lasting change.

I love brainstorming and supporting student-driven projects -- stop by the Zoom office hours on Wednesdays & Fridays (Meeting ID: 943 3050 9398 | Passcode: KitsCare)

Erin Claeys

she/her/hers or they/them/theirs pronouns

NUPIP Intern

Fitz Dennison

he/him/his pronouns

Community Service Club Co-Sponsor / Paraprofessional

Andrew Ginsberg

he/him/his pronouns

Emerge Co-Sponsor / History Teacher