Honor Society

While we help manage your service transcripts which are used for honor societies, our office does not manage honor societies, but we are happy to connect you to service opportunities! The best folks to reach for question specifically about honor societies are listed below, along with answers to a couple of frequently asked questions about honor societies.

National Honor Society Sponsor: 

Dr. Kamasi Hill (hillk@eths.k12.il.us)

Ms. Nicole Lane (lanen@eths.k12.il.us)

Freshman & Sophomore Honor Society Sponsor:

Vaishali Patel (patelv@eths202.org

Michelle Frankel (frankelm@eths202.org

How many hours do I need?

For Freshmen: 5 Hours

For Sophomores: 10 Hours

For Juniors & Seniors: 15 Hours

How can I find how many hours I already have?

Just like any service, you can log and keep track of service through your SchooLinks profile. You can find more support on how to do this on our Your Service Hours tab.

How can I get more hours?

We have many resources on our website and in our office that can help you find service! Check out the Get Involved tab to check out our calendar and spreadsheet of upcoming events along with a our Community Service Club Google Classroom.

And of course, you can stop by our office in the Hub to find the best opportunity for you!