Numb to This

Numb to This: Memoir of a Mass Shooting

Kindra Neely never expected it to happen to her. No one does. Sure, she’d sometimes been close to gun violence, like when the house down the street from her childhood home in Texas was targeted in a drive-by shooting. But now she lived in Oregon, where she spent her time swimming in rivers with friends or attending classes at the bucolic Umpqua Community College.

And then, one day, it happend: a mass shooting shattered her college campus. Over the span of a few minutes, on October 1, 2015, eight students and a professor lost their lives. And suddenly, Kindra became a survivor. This empathetic and ultimately hopeful graphic memoir recounts Kindra’s journey forward from those few minutes that changed everything. 

How to get it...

*Bonus Material*  

Listen to Kindra Neely discuss Numb to This during an episode of Little, Brown & Company's "LB School & Library Podcast," via Spotify!

You read it, you liked it...  now what?

suggestions for what to read next (besides other Lincoln nominees, of course)


by Lauren Elizabeth Hogg

Parkland Speaks

ed. Sarah Lerner

Glimmer of Hope

by the founders of March for Our Lives

Thoughts & Prayers

by Bryan Bliss


by Marisa Reichardt

This Is Where It Ends

by Marieke Nijkamp